Monday, April 20, 2009

Meet Patty

Let me introduce you to Patty PMS. Patty comes to visit on a fairly regular basis. She takes over my food log. Patty eats whatever the heck Patty wants to eat. (Patty sometimes doesn't even log all of the food that enters her mouth-imagine!). Patty is grumpy at boot camp. Bad Patty.

Patty is easy to forget. As soon as she leaves, it's as if she never existed. When Patty is away, I feel certain she will never return, who is she anyway?? But sure enough, when I least expect company...BAM! in walks Patty. So here is my dilemma...Patty is coming..with or without I entertain her with or without guilt....hmmm.. You vote!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

U Know U R A Forever Fitter When...

This list is no way meant to be all inclusive...please feel free to add to it as you become FFit...

1) You ask your husband for a VO2 max test for Mother's Day

2) You spend time thinking about how to get the most out of your 10%...daily? weekly? each meal?

3) Deanne's voice rings in your ear every time you are making a food choice.

4) You try spreading Better Than Peanut Butter on e v e r y t h i n g.

5)You relate to "Nancy Nibbler" and consider asking Deanne for her contact information. You and she could be BFFS.

6) You secretly hope that "Patty Planner" is assigned to your group in bootcamp so you can kick her hiney in the next competition!

7) You also secretly count the "calories burned per minute" each time you make *whoopie*!
(does she have that number on a chart anywhere??)

8) You spend 2 hours a week minimum collecting food from 4 different grocery stores.

9) You completely turn off anyone who sits down to share a meal with you as you spend the entire time discussing the calorie and nutritional content of what they are swallowing.

10) You find yourself flexing your abs at stoplights, your butt cheeks at drive-throughs and do stretches while waiting in line at the bank.

11) Your bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier to avoid the late night 7:00 too early to retire??

12) You find joy in discovering yet one more store that carries Cliff z bars.

13) A heart thrive actually appeals to you.

and now you add...

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I went to Henry's today just for the

(better than Peanut Butter).

They were out--what the heck!!
(I made 'em check in the back)

This is Henry's in Solana Beach

I am considering a Boycott.

(don't mess w/ a FFitter at afternoon snack time)

Tomorrow it is off to Trader Joe's for me and
they better, better have my BTPButter!!