Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fall Fitness Celebrated!!

Keely came through, once again, with a D E L I C I O U S spread 
for our Final Fall Bootcamp Canyon Run and Luncheon!!

Keely and Deanne...what a team!

The attendees who look extra cute...they just came for the lunch.
The rest of us are pretty sweaty but happy too:)
Deanne announced the WINNERS!!
Julie Darton won the Scorecard Challenge!!
Jessica Martin won the Body Comp Challenge!!
Congrats to Julie and Jessica!! 
and are ALL winners!
(if you came to boot camp and worked hard that is...)
If not..there is always the Holiday Challenge! 

Happy Turkey Day to All!!

remember: (my team) no eating after 8:30  
and keep up with your workouts...
can't wait to see you next week!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Yesterday was our last Beach Boot camp of the session.
You really must put it on your "to do" list.
Working out at the beach...
it takes some effort to get there,
but once you are there...A M A Z I N G!!
Thanks for some great workouts girls...U R O C K!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 8 Tally

Week 8 Winner: Tiffany with a perfect 199 score!!
Joining Tiffany int the 900 club:
You women are an inspiration!! truly.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lisa Update

Lisa is holding her own at an impressive 8 pounds off thus far!
Here is what she had to say at this point...
So here we are at the end of week 8!  I am still holding at the same weight again but that's ok!  I did another week of 3 bootcamps and felt great!  (tired but great!)  I did my first beach one - as you know.  How fun was that?  Man  -  running that hill was a killer!  I definitely want to do it again this week.  I think I was intimidated by the beach up until now.  I love attacking our workouts and the calories are really burning.  Every bootcamp workout this week for me was 600+ calories.

I wish the scale said I weighed less but I can live with where I am right now.  I am not giving up.  I think my body has really changed and once Deanne pulls out her fat pincher - I am sure I'll be amazed!    (let's hope so at least!)

See you this week - gonna try for 3 (or 4 if I can find childcare for Friday)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Checking In...

Okay all of you still on the squad...How is it going??
1. All food tastes better to me.
2. My clothes are fitting better.
3. I still want chocolate.
4. I am disgusted by Halloween candy.
5. I am counting down 'til Sunday. 
6. nearly there:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week 7 Tally

Week 7 winner: Sherry!!
with a perfect score sent in from Hawaii!! 
wha?? you read that right. the girl is crazy even on vaca:)
Joining Sherry in the "700 club" are:
with Katy and Lisa right on their heels.