Monday, September 30, 2013

Thriving Bootcamper #5: Rose Herrick!

Introducing: Rose Herrick!

1. How long have you been a Forever Fitter? A few years now.....

2. What do you like most about Forever Fit? Love the variety of exercise; how its different every day; and that its outdoors!

3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it? Can't mention it....

4. Where did you grow up? New York

5. If you went to college, what school? Farmingdale University & Eldorado College

6. What is (or was) your profession? Computer science/data; accounting andthen real

7. Do you have kids? If so, how many and what are the genders and ages? 17 year old triplets....two girls and one boy.

8. What hobbies or skills do you have (serious or funny)? Love to cook;
workout; run/hike; tennis; travel

9. When it comes to your workout philosophy and demeanor, what animal would you compare yourself to and why? I cannot think of one.....

10. What’s your biggest vice in life? I'm always wanting to take control of a situation or event....somewhat of a Type A!

11. Would you rather: (choose one answer by each letter)

a. Do 100 burpees or 20 sets of Torrey Hills Stairs?
b. Workout outside when it’s 90 degrees and sunny or 50 degrees and
c. Do a ropes workout or a Kettlebell workout?
d. Crawl through the sand or crawl through wet grass?
e. Listen to pop, classic rock, alternative or country while working out?

12. Tell us one thing most people don’t know about you. That I can be way
too competitive....or maybe they do know. LOL. Karen reminds me of this
all the time!

13. If you had a theme song in life, what would it be? Be Happy...Don't Worry.

14. Do you have any specific goals for the next 10 years? Be happy and

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thriving Bootcamper #4: Diana Witte

Introducing: Diana Witte!

1.     How long have you been a Forever Fitter? Since June, 2013

2.     What do you like most about Forever Fit? Changing workouts and fun, friendly people

3.     Where did you grow up? In the Midwest, a small town called Freeport, IL

4.     If you went to college, what school? Undergrad – University of Iowa, Grad – University of Chicago

5.     What is (or was) your profession? Lots of things – I started my career as a computer programmer, then went into marketing research and on to research for an HR consulting company, and ended up in executive compensation. I stopped after my kids were born but am ready to start working again part-time!

6.     Do you have kids?  If so, how many and what are the genders and ages? Two boys – Drew, 13 and Nate, 10.  I’m heading into the teenage years, hanging on for the ride!

7.     What hobbies or skills do you have (serious or funny)? Reading, making photo books, volunteering, yoga, and running. I recently started mountain biking with my husband.

8.     When it comes to your workout philosophy and demeanor, what animal would you compare yourself to and why? Used to be a gazelle, now more of a turtle. Reason? Age and answer to number 10.

9.  What’s your biggest vice in life? A glass (or two) of wine

10.                       Would you rather: (choose one answer by each letter)

a.     Do 100 burpees or 20 sets of Torrey Hills Stairs? burpees
b.     Workout outside when it’s 90 degrees and sunny or 50 degrees and raining? 90 degrees and sunny
c.      Do a ropes workout or a Kettlebell workout? ropes
d.     Crawl through the sand or crawl through wet grass? sand
e.     Listen to pop, classic rock, alternative or country while working out? alternative

12.                         Tell us one thing most people don’t know about you. I love to listen to stand-up comedy

13.                        If you had a theme song in life, what would it be? Hmm, probably different depending on the day. Something about finding the best in people and life??

14.                         Do you have any specific goals for the next 10 weeks? Lose 5 pounds and get my body fat to the athlete level.

15.                        Do you have any specific goals for the next 10 years? Find a job that’s fulfilling, help my kids become self-confident, independent young adults, and travel more!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thriving Bootcamper Interview #3: Kaya Young

Introducing:  Kaya Young!!

1.     How long have you been a Forever Fitter?- 4 years

2.     What do you like most about Forever Fit? Deanne, the community, outside workouts

3.     Where did you grow up? Michigan

4.     If you went to college, what school? University of Michigan- undergrad , SDSU- MBA

5.     What is (or was) your profession? Sales & Marketing

6.     Do you have kids?  If so, how many and what are the genders and ages? 2 kids, both boys, ages 10 & 12 5th and 6th grade

7.     What hobbies or skills do you have (serious or funny)? Dancing, cooking, karaoke

8.     What’s your biggest vice in life? Wine & peanut butter

9.      Tell us one thing most people don’t know about you
My Dad is from Burma or Myanmar

10.                        If you had a theme song in life, what would it be?  Oh Deanne… this is tough.  I think my current theme song is Low by FloRida.  I really don’t know what he is singing about, but I love to dance to it.

11.                         Do you have any specific goals for the next 10 weeks? My goals are:  get down to 130lbs, work on my Zumba repertoire, get my closets & garage organized after the re-model.

12.                        Do you have any specific goals for the next 10 years?  Maybe go back to work…. On my own terms…. hmmmm

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thriving Bootcamper Interview #2: Camper "Skillz"

1.    How long have you been a Forever Fitter?  My neighbor (Brenda Watson) invited me to one of Deanne’s nutrition seminars in January 2011.  I was very interested in changing my eating habits, and had NO interest in attending a bootcamp.  I was so inspired by Deanne and the information she shared that I signed up for that 10 week session, and haven’t stopped since.

2.    What do you like most about Forever Fit?  Deanne!  I love her energy, positive approach to coaching, and ability to motivate us to work hard, yet at our own level.  I also love working out with a community of positive women & men.

3.    Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it? My husband calls me “Skilly”, and my daughters’ friends call me “Momma Skillz”.

4.    Where did you grow up?  I was born in Arkansas, moved to Oxford, Mississippi at age 7 and then to Jacksonville, FL @ 9, which is where I lived until I left for college.

5.    If you went to college, what school?  I attended the local junior college in Jacksonville, then Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL.

6.    What is (or was) your profession?  I am a CPA and worked the first five years in public accounting.  After that I worked as a controller in the private sector.  I have been a stay-at-home mom since my first child was born in 1998.

7.    Do you have kids?  If so, how many and what are the genders and ages?  Yes, we have 3 children:  Brian is 30; Emily is 15; and Anna Kate is 13.

8.    What hobbies or skills do you have (serious or funny)?  My hobbies are gardening and photography.

9.    When it comes to your workout philosophy and demeanor, what animal would you compare yourself to and why?  Hmmm, I guess I would compare myself to a turtle - slow but steady.

10.  What’s your biggest vice in life? Exaggeration

11.  Would you rather: (choose one answer by each letter)

a.    Do 100 burpees or 20 sets of Torrey Hills Stairs?  20 sets of TH stairs, for sure!
b.    Workout outside when it’s 90 degrees and sunny or 50 degrees and raining?  Sunny & HOT.
c.    Do a ropes workout or a Kettlebell workout?  Kettlebell
d.    Crawl through the sand or crawl through wet grass?  sand
e.    Listen to pop, classic rock, alternative or country while working out?  Anything but country!

12.   Tell us one thing most people don’t know about you.  My grandfather, Mark Lewis, was good friends with Dwight D. Eisenhower, and taught him how to fly a bi-plane.

13.  If you had a theme song in life, what would it be?  Daughters, by John Mayer 

14.   Do you have any specific goals for the next 10 weeks?  Yes, get back on track with my nutrition plan (lost focus over the summer).  Also, as I had body comp with Deanne today, I now plan to lose 5 lbs!