Monday, April 26, 2010

Junkie or Flunky??

So...which are you? A point junkie  or a point flunky?? I happen to be a flunky according to the traditional less than 50% possible points. And well...I have to be honest with you. I have been a bit bent about the whole thing. I mean seriously...20 calories off? that's pretty serious monitoring there.

I am feeling better now. It must be that I have eaten two meals and burned some boot camp calories. Or maybe it's 'cuz I already let out all the frustration to anyone who would hear me out...including Dee--sorry bout that.

I realize that, for me, I gotta' keep this whole thing in perspective. Did I eat better than I would have before the challenge? yes! Did I work out extra hard? yes! Do I feel technically challenged when logging my food? absolutely! but no matter...

Don't get discouraged...this is a journey. And if you do get discouraged?? Call a fellow camper and have a whiners fest. It helps, I think. could always start a comment chain on the blog....Come on! Tell us what you think...

(unless you are Cori...we know what you think, ahem! Did you get all A+ in school too? probably.)


  1. Don't get bent. In the end, it's all just about eating better and being more aware of our good and not so good habits. I'm not really in it to win it, but to see how many points I can honestly obtain.
    Even though we all know I love to get points for anything, any time and any where, all this has done for me is get me more excited about bootcamp. It's something different and interesting than the same old, same old when it comes to working out. Regardless of the structure, I like mixing it up so I stay enthused about working out every single day.
    In just one week, I have had a rude awakening. I love that darn meal log - and I refer to it negatively because it adds calories almost (and I did say almost) faster than I can consume them. I still have it beat by quite a bit. Even though I thought I had a grip on portion control and how many calories every morsel of food contained, this has been an education in how much more I've been eating than I thought. No wonder I can't break the weight loss barrier.

  2. Wow! Keely...I am so impressed. I think I just need to spend more time with the meal log because we just have not bonded. And...really...even you have a weight loss barrier? I am stunned! keep up the good work:)

  3. Keely I agree 100%! The meal log is really what did it for me before and I am glad (in a kind of disgusted way that I need it) that we are using it. It helps me to stay on track and the more I use it and see how quickly those calories can add up, the more empowered I feel to keep myself in control. Since last fall, I have let myself get more and more lazy about good eating habits - letting too many unhealthy foods and too big of proportions creep back into my diet and it has resulted in a scale that I want to throw against the wall! :) This is the motivation I need to get back to doing what I know I need to do. I am so glad that Deanne is giving us this challenge so we can all do it together and encourage each other - that helps me so much. Now, does anyone have any suggestions of how to be wise when you are traveling? I will be in airports or in the air most of Wednesday - what do you think they would say to an old lady using a red ankle band side squatting down the C concourse of O'Hare Airport on my way to my connection? That would be embarrassing wouldn't it? Maybe I will just use my carry one suitcase ( I am NOT paying to check luggage!) like a medicine ball tossing it up in the air as I go.... should be interesting!

  4. Cori, I would give anything to have pictures of you exercising your way through the airport. You are a true Forever Fitter! We'll miss. Travel safe!

  5. Kathleen, I appreciate your frustration and I promise to keep mixing up the scorecard each week to help everyone capture as many points as they can. I want so much for everyone to feel fabulous for summer and reach whatever goals they have set for themselves. I have tried to say many times over the past few weeks, this is not about perfection. This is about continual improvement. At the end of the 10 weeks, it really won't matter who has the most points if everyone is happy with their results. I will continue to challenge myself to come up with additional tools that I think will help people on their journey to a fitter healthier life. I hope you all will continue challenging yourselves to be the healthiest you can be. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to your families. This process is so much more than feeling great in a bathing suit for summer (although that is a fun thought). This is about nurturing yourself from the inside out and doing everything you can to make sure you live a long, healthy and ACTIVE life well into your 90's!

  6. Deanne, True confession: today is the first time that I have seriously sat down to figure out the food log. I believe in food logs...yes! I do. It is the only way that I have ever been able to successfully lose weight. I have just always used the old fashioned write it down. So..having to find the right portions and meals etc and click and click and was just overwhelming to me. Plus, I make it hard...I like my choices so I have to go find that vegie burger meal cuz I felt like eating that instead of apple and BTPB. Thanks for your dedication and not letting me get you discouraged. You are the BEST!

  7. I am loving and hating the food log for all of the above reasons. It is amazing how things add up and I find myself constantly thinking about how many calories things are and if it is worth it or not--so thats good. And yes in the event of a treat day- brownies are on the weblog-and oh boy do they add up!

  8. I realize that the food that I eat is similar to the little things that I buy. If I think that a $14 t-shirt at H&M, a pair of flip flops, a cute pair of skinny jeans on sale, and little necklace don't make a difference to my budget... well the surprise is that if I decide to return all of those little things it adds up to hundreds of $$$$. My epiphany has come with using the food log; every schmear of Peanut Butter or whole bagel adds up to hundreds of calories. Voila!

    I need to watch all of the little things in my diet just the same way as I watch my meals.
