Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week #5 Score Card

Amber: First Place
Keely: Second Place
Cori: Third
Honorable mention: Andrea and Trish
You go girls!!

you realize that it is not too late to join this party...we still have 3 and a half weeks to go on this thing. and just yesterday I had my first day of  "really, seriously" doing this food thing. 
seems I always come late to the party 
but that's can too!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Food Service?

(note: this is a copy of a post I put on my personal blog...I realize that as we are getting into the forever fit mindset sometimes food is--and needs to be--uppermost in our minds but recently I have found that altering my focus or getting perspective on life...very healthy.) thanks for stopping by the blog...Kathleen

Today I passed a US Food Service truck...
On the side...big letters for all to read:

"Enjoy out more often."

Hello...this is a problem. 
People eating out often means:
1. Too many calories consumed.
2. Eating who knows what...(hidden ingredients).
3. Too much money spent on food
4. Appeasing the ever popular need for quick easy pleasure.

I say: "Enjoy life...

1. Accomplish something really hard..something you have to work a long time for.
2. Spend time with the people that mean the most to you.
3. Experience the beauties of the world that we live in.
4. Smell a flower.
5. Hold a baby.
6. Sing a song (as loud as you want to).
7. Save your money and pay CASH for something you want.
8. Share something you are good at with anyone interested.
9. Change your sheets on your bed, take a bath...go to bed and sleep in 'til you wake up unassisted
10. Go ride a roller coaster with a 12 year old...scream while you are riding.
11. Sit in the sun and read a book.
12. Do something unexpected for someone else.
13. Scroll through the pictures saved on your computer.
14. Reminisce with your kids about pranks you used to pull on your old teachers.
15. Laugh out loud.

Look beyond the food.

(there's a whole lot more out there, promise:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week #4 score card

Oh! I just love a good race...don't you?

We have had an upset in our top three...

Amber: First Place
Keely: Second Place
Cori: Third Place

Also...a couple three to keep your eye on...creeping their
way to the top...Andrea, Trish...and Karyn.
We are really only a bit over half way...
you could catch 'em...really:)

(rumor has it that Cori traded in her crazy high scores for her grand daughter last week...and she has not regrets;)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Watch For it...

Sometime this week we are going to conduct a "Question and Answer" blog roll with Deanne. This will give you a chance to ask Deanne those questions that have come up in the past that you never have time to ask at boot camp. In order for this to work...we will start a post and then you can ask Deane your questions in the comments section. As soon as your questions appears, she will then answer them (also in the comments). This format will allow for others to join in. Who knows where this could lead us??? If we are successful, perhaps this could be a regular feature on our blog...I know, I know just can't either:)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week #3 Scorecard

The competition is getting pretty serious...

1st place: Cori
2nd place: Amber
3rd place: Keely

I hate to say something so trivial as "You are all winners!" but... all are looking so strong and everyone is giving there all at camp...

r o c k on!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week #2 Score Card

Cori is  rockin' the competition 
with Amber and Keely nippin' at her heels...
At this point...anything could happen..
Keep a loggin'!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I just returned from Las Vegas where I went to help my sister post-new baby. I drove by myself. I don't enjoy driving, much. As I started out on my journey, I realized that I could easily (not really easy...but you know what I mean) run a marathon in the time that it would take me to drive to Vegas. I realized also that I would prefer to run a marathon. (But I am a bit sick in the head, I realize). These thoughts were on my way to Vegas.

On the way home today, I realized as I was grabbing at food particles to keep myself entertained and alert for my drive that I (no doubt) consumed more calories than if I had gone out to run a marathon. When I run, I consume 100 cal for every hour of running (I am expending between 500 and 600/hour). When I drive...(close to 0 calories expended)...and yes...even though I included fruit, vegetables, almonds, AK Maks and a healthy sandwich...MORE CALORIES CONSUMED THAN WHEN RUNNING A MARATHON!  What is up with that?!

Not only that...I have been away from the web log...So? How's it going for you??

PS. Just so you don't think I threw it all away while in Vegas...I did run twice with my brother in law (at 4:00 am!!) and did the workout that is over.......there......on the ride side bar. It was tough in the heat but kind of fun to do while my niece and nephew played at the park.