Dear Body,
Today we feel the need to apologize to you. We really mean it and its not just one of those "I'm sorrys" that then continue to repeat themselves. No. we really mean sorry for always beating you up...I mean really you don't stand a chance. We blame you for a lot that you are not responsible for. You get punished. a. lot. And you take it. over. and over. again. You really are tough and you have been pulling your own weight for long enough! Sometimes when we see you, we pretend that we don't even recognize you and walk the other way. That is no way to treat anybody! From now on, you get a big smile and a pleasant greeting like everybody deserves.
It is high time you get recognized for what you are! You are part of our team...a really big, important part! From now on...we are going to start supporting you and appreciating what it is that you DO for us all of the time. When things are not going well,we will all step up to take the blame and not have it always fall on you.We will take better care of you. You could use a little more TLC. The rest of us take plenty of our fair share and by damn! it's time you got some pampering. Just because the rest of the team might want something they think will make them happy, doesn't mean you should have to suffer through. What's good for us, needs to be good for you too!! Who are we kidding? We are all in this together and it's about time we start acting accordingly.
Here's to the start of a much healthier relationship!
The Rest of the Team: emotional, intellectual, and spiritual ME.
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