Saturday, June 18, 2011


1st Place: Keely
2nd Place: Brenda
3rd Place: Danielle
(week 9 winner: Keely)
Body Comp. Winner: JeriAnn 
...stay posted for upcoming interview with our body comp winner..
Congrats!! to all who participated.
And a special thanks to Keely 
of Something Homemade 
for the delish
breakfast and treat spread 
after our finale boot camp...A M A Z I N G!!, AGAIN.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 8 scorecard

Keely, Brenda and Amber, oh my!!
And Week 8 winner: Julie Darton with 76/82. rockin' it girl!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Motivate Me!!

What Gets YOU out the door??

Yesterday as my alarm went off at 6:30 a.m. alerting me that it was time to get up and ready for my weekly Saturday long run, it hit me...the "Do I really have to? Want to? Need to?" conversation that creeps into my head every now and then.

Like many of you, I have been exercising consistently 5-6 days a week for several years. And the fact that daily exercise is now a habit usually gets me out the door before I even realize what I am doing; but periodically I do have to shake things up a bit when my motivation is running low.

Ten Things I Have Found To Bring Back My Workout Mojo:
(most of these are written with running in mind, but you can easily insert your mode of exercise...)

1. Plan your run (or workout) ahead of time so you know where you are going.

2. Try a new route...scope it out in the car first or use gmap pedometer.

3. Buy something new to wear: shoes, hat, head band, water bottle holder, fanny pack. (always fun to have something new to try).

4. Put together a new play list.

5. Try running your usual route backwards.

6. (My fave...) Plan to go with a running partner. It is always easier to get out knowing someone is waiting to     meet you.

7. Set your clothes out the night before and make sure that everything is charged...gps, tunes etc.

8. Try a new form of nutrition. Right now I am cutting Cliff bars in half. They taste pretty good and so far minimal digestive issues. (This is for my long runs--over 90 min)

9. Make it a destination to get your favorite sports drink or to meet family members at the park or even to mail a letter.

10. Run where it is most beautiful/inspiring for you.

P.S. Remember these the above photo? For you newbies to Ffit, Deanne used to have an "all guys" in addition to co-ed boot camps.

And in case you were wondering...I did get up and out the door...Here I am at my 5.2 mile turn around...I ran from Torrey Pines to Solana Beach. And I found my happy place and now I am back to motivated:)

What motivates you to run (or workout)??
Kathleen Allen
Blog Editor
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 7 Scorecard...

remember that you can double click on the chart to enlarge...
Keely, Brenda and Amber!
Consistently leading the pack...
Week 7 winner: Brenda!!
(Honorable mention goes to Sherry..making a comeback:)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 6 Score Card

Go Keely, Brenda and Amber!!
Week 6 winner is: Brenda with 80/84 points!! may not be the overall leader but...
you can still win the weekly battle!!
get you weekly scorecard in to Janelle by Sunday night...