(I know what you are thinking...where did I find these dudes? There are some things one just should not share.)
Ann Maas sent me over her comment for the blog since she was having technical difficulties in getting it to post. I thought her comments were quite insightful so I decided to have her guest post this one....
Since I was committed to eating only off my pre-planned grid this week, it was a good wake up call!
Two things really helped this week:
(1) lots of pre-cooking yummy stuff last week - food I could look forward to as I was passing on items that usually tempt me; and
(2) the passing itself.
Foregoing things that get my blood sugar going really helped ward off the cravings. A couple of times I've been reallly hungry, but I noted that while I was hungry, I wasn't grumpy and frantic like I can get when I eat sugar. No cravings also made the food I did eat very satisfying (brocolli soup just isn't that great after chocolate chip muffins!) I've also really been trying that whole me of today helping the me of tomorrow idea. Usually the me of today acts like the me of tomorrow is some super hero that can make up for everything I didn't quite get to. Turning it around has been very helpful!"
Thanks Ann!! Now did someone say...muffins?! (I joke;) and P.S. If you have problems posting your comments you are welcome to send me an email and I will copy and paste it in for you. N.P.