Friday, September 23, 2011

Just say "NO" to...

TODAY'S HEADLINE: Two Forever Fitters
say "No" to Sprinkles!!

Read on for "Lisa on addictions...": The last song Deanne played at our workout today had the line "I'm addicted and I just can't get enough!"  That could be said about a lot of things - for me it has always been sweets!   Ann Maas and I found out that yesterday we BOTH had a dangerous brush with Sprinkles Cupcakes!   For me, a friend asked me to deliver a DOZEN to our church for a meeting last night.  Of course, she rewarded me with a 4-pack for my family!  YIKES!  How could she do that to me???  I swiped some Red Velvet crumbs off my son's plate but other than that - I resisted!  Ann - same thing - a friend "rewarded" her for taking care of her pet.  How ironic that those dang cupcakes were put in front of both of us yesterday!

Now when I think of those words..."I'm addicted and I just can't get enough....."  I am turning away from Sprinkles and turning TO losing the pounds and getting fit!

A list of a few acceptable (I believe) things 
I have become addicted to since joining Forever Fit:
1) Ice water
2) Sweating daily (from a good calorie burn)
3) sugar snap peas
4) Working out with friends
5)  Whey Protein powder
6) Working out OUTSIDE
7)  BTPB (better than peanut butter)
8) Spinach with eggs
9) Seven hours of sleep/night
10) Tracking my calorie burn each week
11) Weekly fitness planning
12) The burn of muscles working
How about the rest of you...have you found some healthy addictions??
Stay tuned as Lisa reports on her weekly weigh in tomorrow...


  1. Congrats Lisa and Ann on the amazing use of your "resistance muscle."
    Using this resistance muscle has made me realize how often we are offered treats as a thank you. I'm really loving Deanne's healthy prizes.
    Anyhow I resisted my own strawberry cheesecakes! I made a very SMALL batch for dinner guests and was so happy when they were gobbled up w/o me reaching for one. I wish I could have tested my new recipe, but plan on making them again on my permission day-they were a hit!

  2. Using my resistance muscle this week has been hard work. I've been teaching at a school, and when I walked into the teacher's lounge, (with my soup and salad :-) in hand) there sat a tray of amazing pumpkin cheesecake muffins that everyone was "oohing and aaahing" over. I'm proud to muffins for me!

  3. I didn't think it would feel so good.... I used my resistance muscle to throw away my kids' leftovers; those last bites of peanut butter sandwich, cheese and crackers, cereal, etc. My husband used to pride himself on being "the human garbage disposal", and hates to waste food, but even he is seeing the benefits in not eating everything left on the table. I'm getting better at serving the kids smaller portions so they finish it all and I'm not even tempted.
