Share your New Year Resolution (value) with us. Even if it has nothing to do with health or fitness, we would love to hear it. Then, next to the resolution, put that one small habit that you are going to focus on first. Is it to sleep 8 hours, drink 10 glasses of water, eat 10 servings of vegetables, eat breakfast every morning? Whatever it is, share it with us here. Studies show that when we write down our goals, we are more likely to see them through. I’ll help with the weekly habits for the next 10 weeks. I just want you to come up with the first one so you OWN it. Remember to make it small and specific.
Forever Fit can be a wonderful support system for helping you reach your goals. Studies also show that the more people you tell about your goals, the more likely you are to meet them. I hope you will embrace this support and our wonderful community for Forever Fitters over the next 10 weeks. Happy New Year!
This year I am resolving to simplify, purge and organize all the "stuff" in my life. I'm expecting many trips to GoodWill!
ReplyDeleteMy healthy habit for this week is to floss well at least once a day (I hate flossing).
I want to walk my dog every day. In addition to my workout, but completely different than my workouts, I don't want to worry about caloric expenditure, time or exertion. I want to spend anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes, just being outside and doing something good for someone else without any other agenda.
ReplyDeleteMy healthy habit this week is to schedule my walks just like my workouts so they happen every day. No stress or pressure to get it done, but a time carved out to make sure it doesn't get overlooked.
To do a minimum of 3 workouts a week in the whole year.
ReplyDeleteThis week I am going to go back to the 5 days no carbs, 1 day good carbs and a free day!
Step by step, so I can accomplish my goals!!
I am still working on resolution but I wanted to share a tip I got from a friend yesterday. She said when she goes out to eat she orders a regular meal and asks for a to go box to be brought at the same time as her meal. She immediately divides the food in half (because restaurants give us too much food) and puts away half for the next day. I don't eat out much but I loved this idea and just wanted to share it with my foreverfitfriends.
ReplyDeleteOK I have thought a lot about this and I think I know what my value will be. Every year since I had my first baby losing weight or getting healthy has been my number one resolution. So this year my resolution is different, 2012 will be the last year that lose weight/GET healthy will be my #1 resolution. 2013 it will be to STAY healthy and maintain my current weight. The first step to this and my week 1 goal will be no sugar or white flour. Yesterday I was shoe shopping with my daughter and told the clerk I needed some new workout shoes and I wanted to get them at Nordstrom because I have bad feet and sometime after a week of wearing a shoe it bothers my feet. If I buy it at Nordstrom I can return them. She asked if I had plantar fasciitis. I told her I did and she started rattling off all these shoe brands. These are great for that problem. I was all excited and asked if they were cute shoes, she replied I'm sorry you have lost your cute shoe privileges when you got plantar fasciitis. This is how I feel about Sugar and Flour. I lost my sugar and flour privileges long ago. I need to learn my body just doesn't do well with them.
ReplyDelete2012-I hope to kick the sugar out of my diet. I totally resonated with one Forever Fitter when she said she looked at cookies/cupcakes as poison, but I find when 3pm hits, I don't really care if it's poison or not, I want it! It will be a lifestyle change for me, but I would really like to eat better and drop the quick, easy, sugar snacks that I eat.