This is the banner I created for the Boot Camp blog to advertise the new Spring session that is complete with a score card and competition.
I am losing. (Not weight) I got pretty frustrated upfront because the score card is directly related to a web log where we are to record our food and fitness. The web log is not my friend. It is tedious and I don't like tedious for fitness. Tedious is okay for invitation creating, lesson or talk prepping and even teeth scaling but fitness accountability? I think not!
Hopefully with practice I will get more friendly with the web log. In the meantime I have learned (or relearned) a few things about myself.
1. My killing myself with exercise the morning after a bad eating day was my way of justifying my bad eating choices. I am not talking calorie for calorie, I am talking self penitence and reconciliation.
2. Exercise is not the "fix-it" for over eating. The only "fix-it" for over eating is getting to the bottom of why
it is that you over ate in the first place.
3. All of this feels connected to how I feel about myself.
4. When I am strong and confident, I am in control of what enters my mouth and I have a realistic outlook of the results of said intake.
5. When I am in a state of self doubt for whatever reason, other parts of me get to take control like appetites.
6. When it comes right down to mouth and stomach have much less to do with this equation than I have ever realized before.
more to come...