Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are YOU In??

AKA: "No Treats for Two Weeks"
Tonight Deanne emailed me the official list...are you on it?
Why not?!
May the force be with us!!
Emma Tecca
Sherry Weeks
Jessica Martin
Janelle Nelson
Julie Darton
Katy Wilson
Trish Wood
Ann Morley
Tiffany Wickham
Liz Weeks
And Deanne of course!
Leave a comment if you are in "the squad" and tell us how you are doing...what did you say "no" to or just to brag works too:) 


  1. I guess I'm the first "no treats" camper to comment. So far I have done the only thing I can do and avoid, avoid, avoid. So that means there is no halloween candy, brownies, ice cream or anything like that in my house. I can tell you for the first time I understand why my kids go crazy when we go through the check out line at the grocery store. All that CANDY easily grabbed and put in my pile of groceries. But so far I'm resisting!

  2. The key really is not to tempt yourself. Make it easy to do the right thing and very difficult to do the wrong thing. Yesterday my kids begged me to get our Halloween candy for trick or treaters. Usually I wait until the day of so I'm not tempted to open the bags. I decided with the challenge going on, I'll have more will power than usual. When we got home with 5 huge bags, I stored them in a "hard to reach" area of the garage. Last night after dinner my 12 year old asked if they could have just one piece. I said no. I knew if those bags were open and in the kitchen, I would have to exercise my restraint muscle more than I wanted. close call missed!

  3. After almost 5 days of no sugar, I really feel less of a craving for it. Halloween candy is not even sounding good if I can overcome homemade baked goodies this weekend, I'm hoping for smooth sailing :-). I really do feel better without the sugar!

  4. Yesterday I celebrated 15 years of marriage with my hubby. Sashimi is one of our favorite meals, so that was an easy "fit" meal, fit for celebrating... The challenge came when Scott wanted to stop by the Living Room for their AMAZING Cannoli's. I must say this was the toughest temptation for me so far in our "No Treat Challenge"!! I enjoyed my non-fat cappuccino and exercised my resistance muscle... YEAH!!

  5. I must admit...First thing I did after reading Laura Lee's comment was to google Living Room. Holy Cow! Be careful...when do we get off this kick?? J.K. I feel like I am at AA or something similar...all this talk of what we aren't eating may just back fire for me. Stay positive...o yeah!! And go TEAM E!! "E" is for energy hoohah!

  6. I'm so impressed with how many people are on the No Sugar Squad! I'll be rooting for you all from the side-lines. And, really, I'm not gloating. I lost the right to be on the squad Day 1 as we celebrated a good friend's 11th birthday at The Cheesecake Factory! If I never have to go there again, I'll be a happy person, however, I was not able to resist the plethora of cheesecakes being passed around the table that evening.
    For those of you trying to resist your own Halloween candy, Target has Halloween themed plastic rings, fangs, and tattoos that I got to give out this year, in lieu of candy, and already all of the neighbor kids are saying how cool it is! Maybe no one needs all that sugar!

  7. GO TEAM C, come on ladies we can do this!!! I feel so much better, my complexion is better and my energy level is more level. I love the no sugar challenge, I actually have used the challenge at the catalyst to get me off sugar. So far I am doing great, however yesterday someone came in to where I work and dropped off a 10 lb. box of sees chocolate and put it right on my desk. I immediately put it in a drawer at someone elses desk. I didn't need that starring me in the face all night.

  8. Let me know if I need to edit you off the squad. I promise not to make it too public:) Just email me Then I will let you know where the rest of the forever fitters are meeting for Halloween indulgences. I kid, D.

  9. I'm still holding strong on the No Treat challenge. I have to say this weekend has been tough. But I'm almost through the halloween marathon and it's feeling good!

    The most positive thing to come from this is the realization that I do eat more sugar than I thought. I was just not counting the handful of chocolate chips or the bite of ice cream from my kids bowls. I've had to stop myself so many times from this mindless kinds of eating.

    Also I have stopped myself from baking a few times. I thought I was going to make the brownies "for the kids" and I told myself I wouldn't eat them but I knew I would! I should record the conversations I have had with myself, way funny!

  10. Wow, it is really evident to me how often we are tempted by "junk" food when we take on a challenge like this. It has really helped me to commit to this in writing and verbally to many of you. I had many times this week when "treats" were staring me in the face. The challenge made it so black and white for me that it was almost easy. While I don't think we could take on a challenge like this indefinitely, I do think it is helpful to take on these challenges to help strengthen our resolve, as well as to shine a spotlight on those little habits we may have gotten into that really do make all the difference in us reaching our goals.

  11. One other thing...I realize that my "permission giving" thoughts were getting stronger and stronger. This challenge strengthened my empowering, resistant thoughts. It is so easy to rationalize all sorts of behavior and tell ourselves it doesn't really matter, when in fact it does. This challenge will help me get back to the 90/10 rule. It is ok to eat for fun 10% of the time if 90% of the time you eat small portions of healthy foods. But let's be honest about the 90/10. When our resolve is weak it may be more like 50/50 or worse. The only way to a healthy, fit body is to keep that 90/10 in check.

  12. I had a hard time finding a workout that I have not done before. I missed bootcamp on Friday so I had to put together a little workout for myself. I ended up having a great workout and realized I had all the equipment I needed. A couple of bands and a medicine ball was all I needed!

  13. Suzanne comments:
    The no sugar challenge has been tough for me. I told my kids I gave up sugar so they could help me be accountable and my 5 year old son looked at me in shock the other day when I was ready to throw in the towel and dive into a jar of Nutella. He helped me get through that low point. It's not the candy so much as the baked goods. Banana break, pumpkin bread, coffee cake... I swear I wake up some mornings thinking about sugary food.
    I end up eating nuts or something until the craving goes away.

    My worst temptation was on Saturday, I bought my son an ice cream and after only 3 bites he declared himself full. At first I was happy thinking, "oh, I guess I need to finish his ice cream so not to waste it" while at the same time thinking about Deanne telling us that the excess food ends up being "excess on us." I decided to ignore that wisdom, but as I was about to dig in remembered I had committed to no treats. It makes it easier to resist knowing you are accountable to the group and a team.

  14. Go team E! This weekend has been filled with fun 2 adult Halloween parties and my kids went to a trunk or treat last night so candy is all around. The parties were easy because I brought something I could eat and focused on the people rather than the food. Today much more challenging as my kids and husband had some of the candy they had gotten yesterday. I friend told me just to think in my head "I already know what it tastes like so I don't need it" for some reason that has been working for me. I'm also hiding the candy tomorrow for when I'm home alone. We can do this! :)

  15. Janelle comments:
    This no sugar challenge has been quite a challenge. We have been at Halloween events every day since Friday. Friday my resistance was rock sold, but today I found myself at our block party struggling to keep it together. I had t leave a number of times, but I have to be real with you when I say kale chips was not doing it for me!! Needless to say, it impacted my dinner choice. Did not give in to candy, but ended up having a slice of pizza for dinner. Bummer. ;- (

    On the positive side, I realize that I have consumed considerably less sugar this October compared to last year. A great accomplishment! I will savor that accomplishment until I get through the no sugar challenge, where I will prevail! ;-0

  16. So while I have not accomplished the "workout I've never done" this week, I did for the first time do 3 bootcamps in a week! It was great although walking Saturday morning was a challenge. Torrey Hills stairs and hill .....grrrr.....I am feeling so much stronger, running faster, and in a better mood than when I first started bootcamp. It has changed my life and will continue to do so!

  17. Annie comments:
    The no sugar is super difficult not because of candy & treats for Halloween, but I LOVE pumpkin and apple desserts almost as much as chocolate and not getting any. Making apple crisp, pumpkin cake for the kids, but not having any is almost impossible for me....night time is the hardest time to resist, so I just go to that I have made it this far, I don't want to give in and let myself down.

  18. I am still IN the challenge. I made it through 3 Halloween parties! I know had it not been for the challenge I would have gone hog wild at those parties. Sunday dinner and Kayla's cake and last night with all the Halloween candy were my hardest times but I am on the other side now! Go me!
