Friday, April 30, 2010

Kath's commentary

I have a personal blog where I rant about life and such. I have had an ongoing series which I entitled "Food Wars". I have decided to share with you my most recent post of this series. I figured it was only fair since I alluded to the lot of you...

This is the banner I created for the Boot Camp blog to advertise the new Spring session that is complete with a score card and competition.

I am losing. (Not weight) I got pretty frustrated upfront because the score card is directly related to a web log where we are to record our food and fitness. The web log is not my friend. It is tedious and I don't like tedious for fitness. Tedious is okay for invitation creating, lesson or talk prepping and even teeth scaling but fitness accountability? I think not!

Hopefully with practice I will get more friendly with the web log. In the meantime I have learned (or relearned) a few things about myself.

1. My killing myself with exercise the morning after a bad eating day was my way of justifying my bad eating choices. I am not talking calorie for calorie, I am talking self penitence and reconciliation.

2. Exercise is not the "fix-it" for over eating. The only "fix-it" for over eating is getting to the bottom of why
it is that you over ate in the first place.

3. All of this feels connected to how I feel about myself.

4. When I am strong and confident, I am in control of what enters my mouth and I have a realistic outlook of the results of said intake.

5. When I am in a state of self doubt for whatever reason, other parts of me get to take control like appetites.

6. When it comes right down to mouth and stomach have much less to do with this equation than I have ever realized before.

more to come...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Junkie or Flunky??

So...which are you? A point junkie  or a point flunky?? I happen to be a flunky according to the traditional less than 50% possible points. And well...I have to be honest with you. I have been a bit bent about the whole thing. I mean seriously...20 calories off? that's pretty serious monitoring there.

I am feeling better now. It must be that I have eaten two meals and burned some boot camp calories. Or maybe it's 'cuz I already let out all the frustration to anyone who would hear me out...including Dee--sorry bout that.

I realize that, for me, I gotta' keep this whole thing in perspective. Did I eat better than I would have before the challenge? yes! Did I work out extra hard? yes! Do I feel technically challenged when logging my food? absolutely! but no matter...

Don't get discouraged...this is a journey. And if you do get discouraged?? Call a fellow camper and have a whiners fest. It helps, I think. could always start a comment chain on the blog....Come on! Tell us what you think...

(unless you are Cori...we know what you think, ahem! Did you get all A+ in school too? probably.)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Tiffany sent this to Deanne as a mere suggestion.

Perhaps we have been doing it the 


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hi Campers!!

Did you all work it indoors today?? All I can say is one minute of super planks??? oh my!!

Karyn has informed me that if you try to comment without having a gmail (or google) login that you are not able to do so. Thus, my ...just click this and type here and click this explanation may not be sufficient for all of you to post your comments. So..if you do not have a gmail or google login just go to and click on gmail and set up an account that will give you the password you will need.

There were a couple of great comments after my last post and I don't want anyone to miss them so I am going to copy them here...the first is from Karyn:

When I signed up for Deanne's meal plans 10 months ago, I always got down on myself and joked around as "failing" since I did not follow the program and therefor did not acheive the desired results. Bottomline, I was still looking for the magic diet where I could put no effort in and get great results out! While I think Deanne is the magic answer, I now realize it takes time, dedication, work and preparation which I did not devote to my goals in the past. Instead I was of the mindset that "I can eat what I want since I worked out".

Well, P.S., 10 months later I have been working out hard,(and eating what I want) and have seen some results, but not everything I know I can be. I have finally submitted to the fact that it is 75% or more nutrition and I can't excercise away a bad diet.

However, after receiving the new menus, I have realized that I really did not fail afterall. Reviewing the shopping list, I noticed that I have and use all the items on a daily/weekly basis--unlike 10 months ago when I did not even know what some of them were no less where to buy them or how to prepare them. I'll admit that I am still working on using them in the proper combinations and quantities but unlike 10 months ago, I know what the items are and how to cook them and I stock them in my pantry.

I suppose old habits die hard, but I now consider myself successful since progress in the right direction has been realized! This is a life long journey - and I am just getting rolling!

Be kind to yourself and search for the progress and positives in all that you do even if you're like me and it takes a while to figure it out!

And next a tip from Cori:

Hey ladies - I found a good new greek yogurt at the Von's in Torrey Hills. It is called Chobani and the vanilla is 120 calories for 6 oz., no fat and 13 grams of sugar. It is creamy and yummy! I think that is less calories and sugar than the Soy and Co yogurt - and it has more protein than the cottage cheese addition (which I omitted) is that bad?

Give it a try...this blogging thing can be pretty fun...honest.
Stay tuned for my "before " pics to be posted soon...I know you can't wait!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Challenged?

So...are you ready?? That is the question that Deanne keeps posing. I think she has a whole lot of energy and just possibly enough to spread around to the all of us. I have been working with Deanne for 15 months now. I am one of the original boot campers. Once I started, I just can't stop.

But...I feel compelled (not by Deanne, promise) to point out that this time around she has really out done herself with offering the free menus. WE ARE SO LUCKY!! This is totally the recipe for success (punny)...good nutrition and killer workouts...we better get before and after shots. Seriously...this could be awesome! We should all commit to reach our goals together. do we help each other?? Well, there are several ways...I will list a few:

1) Point out when a fellow camper might be taking an unnecessary break.
      (Karyn...I know Amber really did appreciate the shoe tying comment)

2) Keep Deanne on her know like when Keely reminds her that we really do need to do one more station to complete the second round.

3) Text tutorials. Honest this does work...find a buddy you can text every time you are tempted to go off your plan. can share cooking tips, work out plans, scale scares or celebrations. Most things are much more enjoyable and yes, even bearable when shared with a friend.

4) Notice when a fellow camper is missing and follow up to help her (or him--Thurs mornings) be accountable to someone besides their own conscience.

5) I really am liking the before and after pic idea...I think I will bring my "good camera" for pics next week.

6) I also think that we should keep a group tally of weight, inches, body fat percentage lost and calories burned. I know that each of us has different goals but I think it would be fun to see totals. Okay...I'll do that.

Let us know if you have any ideas of ways that we can help each other reach our goals...

For those of you new to the "blog world"...Just click on the 0 Comments  and then just type in the box that pops up...something, anything so that we know you were here and then click "Post Comment".  That's it..honest.