Friday, September 30, 2011

U Rock it!

(I know what you are thinking...where did I find these dudes? There are some things one just should not share.)

Ann Maas sent me over her comment for the blog since she was having technical difficulties in getting it to post. I thought her comments were quite insightful so I decided to have her guest post this one....

"My resistance muscle is frayed and tired!  It makes me realize how little I use it when it comes to food.  

Since I was committed to eating only off my pre-planned grid this week, it was a good wake up call!  

Two things really helped this week: 

(1) lots of pre-cooking yummy stuff last week - food I could look forward to as I was passing on items that usually tempt me; and 

(2) the passing itself.  

Foregoing things that get my blood sugar going really helped ward off the cravings.  A couple of times I've been reallly hungry, but I noted that while I was hungry, I wasn't grumpy and frantic like I can get when I eat sugar.  No cravings also made the food I did eat very satisfying (brocolli soup just isn't that great after chocolate chip muffins!)   I've also really been trying that whole me of today helping the me of tomorrow idea. Usually the me of today acts like the me of tomorrow is some super hero that can make up for everything I didn't quite get to.  Turning it around has been very helpful!"

Thanks Ann!! Now did someone say...muffins?! (I joke;) and P.S. If you have problems posting your comments you are welcome to send me an email and I will copy and paste it in for you. N.P.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scorecard Weeks 1 and 2

You can double click on the chart to enlarge...
This week's winners:
Ann Maas
Ann Morley
Annie G.
(and my apologies to Carol, Janelle and Katy
for overlooking you the first shout bad!!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lisa's Weigh-In

Another WOOT, WOOT!!  for Lisa!! 
Down 2 more and on her way to..."I'd love to lose 20"!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Just say "NO" to...

TODAY'S HEADLINE: Two Forever Fitters
say "No" to Sprinkles!!

Read on for "Lisa on addictions...": The last song Deanne played at our workout today had the line "I'm addicted and I just can't get enough!"  That could be said about a lot of things - for me it has always been sweets!   Ann Maas and I found out that yesterday we BOTH had a dangerous brush with Sprinkles Cupcakes!   For me, a friend asked me to deliver a DOZEN to our church for a meeting last night.  Of course, she rewarded me with a 4-pack for my family!  YIKES!  How could she do that to me???  I swiped some Red Velvet crumbs off my son's plate but other than that - I resisted!  Ann - same thing - a friend "rewarded" her for taking care of her pet.  How ironic that those dang cupcakes were put in front of both of us yesterday!

Now when I think of those words..."I'm addicted and I just can't get enough....."  I am turning away from Sprinkles and turning TO losing the pounds and getting fit!

A list of a few acceptable (I believe) things 
I have become addicted to since joining Forever Fit:
1) Ice water
2) Sweating daily (from a good calorie burn)
3) sugar snap peas
4) Working out with friends
5)  Whey Protein powder
6) Working out OUTSIDE
7)  BTPB (better than peanut butter)
8) Spinach with eggs
9) Seven hours of sleep/night
10) Tracking my calorie burn each week
11) Weekly fitness planning
12) The burn of muscles working
How about the rest of you...have you found some healthy addictions??
Stay tuned as Lisa reports on her weekly weigh in tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On or Off?!

Do we want to be "on" or "off" the wagon?...
I had to look it up. (google is my 'go to' for such important queries).
I do believe we want to be "on" the wagon. (healthy living/eating/drinking=on the wagon)
Today I have been as precarious as an overloaded pumpkin cart...
But look to Lisa for some inspiration...

It's my first Permission Day!  I actually have a little anxiety about it.  While relaxing on the food a little sounds great - I don't want to fall off the wagon either!  So to jump start my day - I ate a healthy microwave egg frittata and went to PAC for a 1 hour spin class!   I laugh that it's still the same old crazy PAC - no parking spaces, women rushing to class, know the drill!

So my oldest son, Max, has been BEGGING me to go out to dinner for a week now!  Tonight I will reward him and myself to a fancy dinner at Red Robin!  Carmel Valley's Finest! ;-)  I heard one bit of advice at Deanne's Nutrition Seminar to check out the menu BEFORE going to a restaurant.   More time to "plan" will allow me to make a wise choice right?  Wish me luck!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lisa/week 2

Lisa on shopping Forever Fit Style...

My fridge is full!!!  (and my pantry is getting bare! )  At this rate, with all the fresh produce I am buying, we are going to need another fridge!  It's true what Deanne said - shop the perimeter of the grocery store!
I hit up Trader Joes today and found a basket full of goodies!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 1 Winner(s)!

Ann Maas
Ann Morley

(each of these campers earned ALL points
possible their first week:)
Apparently your chances of winning
improve exponentially if your name contains any form of "Ann".

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Down 3!!

Have you met Lisa yet at boot camp? 
I had a couple of people ask me who Lisa was. I realized that the pics I posted of her were in "real clothes", makeup etc not like most of us come to boot camp so she was nice enough to let me snap a pic AFTER working out yesterday...this girl is amazing!!

And I thought it would be a good time to let you know that Lisa's weigh in day is on Saturday...
and she has already dropped THREE pounds!!
Give me a woot, woot!!

Today my scale was 3 lbs lighter than it was when Deanne and I did my measurements!  I attribute a lot of that to my food choices!  I did 2 bootcamps this week as well as a midweek run so my exercise was better but not yet where I want it to be.  It definitely has to be the food!

3 less pounds is a great motivator for me with the weekend here.  I already went to birthday party this morning that served pizza and cake!  I downed a protein shake before I left and ate only from the veggie tray.  No pizza or cake for me!  Another dragon slayed! Temptation is definitely out there - resist, resist, resist!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lisa hits 4-2-1!!

And...she is off to a great start!!
Today is her first day.
This is her don't believe me?? 
I know, I know it looks profesh.
This was mid way.
Have you tried Egg in a hole? 
Did you like it??
And in Lisa's words..this is how the 4-2-1 journey began for her...

I had to modify the recipe for Egg in a Hole a bit since I didn't get Canadian Bacon but used the Morningstar Farms veggie sausage instead.  I definitely have to approach all this in steps. Yesterday, my time was much shorter than I had hoped so shopping was quick.  I ran into Henry's and grabbed what I could to at least get me through breakfasts and snacks for the next couple of days.   I am sure it will get easier putting new practices in place. 
 Gradual change works better for me than drastic change!
well said.
stay tuned...we will be here all week:) 
and for the next 10.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Lisa Broussard
Lisa has been gracious enough to allow us to 
"follow" her through our Fall session of boot camps.

Lisa has an at-home business where she sells personalized bags and gifts. She and her husband, Ben have been married for nine years and have two boys, age 7 and 4. Her history probably is similar to many of us in that she found it much easier to make time for exercise [and everything else, right?] before starting her family. Now that her youngest is going to be in preschool she will be joining us for Monday and Friday boot camps. Lisa was introduced to Deanne and Forever Fit by her friend, Lesley. Since she "signed up" she has discovered that she knows several other campers:) She loves running, hiking, riding bikes and riding her scooter that she purchased to keep up with her kids.

A bit more background in Lisa's words...

Before marriage and kids I ran 4 marathons as well as most races San Diego has to offer.  Once having kids, those race days diminished. Early morning starts became impossible for both my husband and I to do at the same time.  We have no family in San Diego to help with watching our young children.  My husband also runs and is training for the Las Vegas Marathon as we speak.  I have been a member at PAC since it opened in 2002. I have done just about every class and program it has to offer.   I have worked out with trainers and have achieved great results.  Because, I tend to put everyone in my family first, I put myself at the bottom of my list of things I need to do.  I definitely know I need accountability and goals.  

I struggle with nutrition and always have.  It's not that I eat a lot - I just don't eat regularly or the right food.  Breakfast is my biggest challenge.  I run out of the house with a piece of fruit and a string cheese if I am lucky.   I also do not drink enough water.  I have to constantly keep a water bottle with me to remind myself.

I would love to lose up to 20 pounds but know that is going to take a tremendous amount of dedication and discipline. 

Lisa told me that she was really disappointed (and me too!!) that the Friday seminar was cancelled since she was so ready to go...You will see her at boot camp this week and we will be checking back with her often to see how she is doing. 
Thanks Lisa and Welcome to Forever Fit!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Just DO IT!

Last week Deanne "encouraged" me to come in for a body comp assessment. I did not want to do it. It had been a looooong time and I was certain that the numbers would not bring a smile to my face. I have to tell you though, folks. I have lost 2 pounds since she weighed me and you know what?? I think it is MAGIC!! There is nothing quite like facing the music...Accountability is a big motivator for me so I have to admit that I am looking forward to this new session/menus/workouts...I say, BRING. IT. ON!!

And..I think Deanne is pretty smart to take a couple of weeks off between totally makes me miss all of you and the awesome workouts. I even dreamed about boot camp last night. Is that healthy??

I am also happy to announce that this session we will be interviewing one of the newest Forever Fitters and follow her progress, stay tuned it's gonna' be rockin'!!