Friday, December 21, 2012

Week 4 totals!!

Such a close battle going on here in SD!!
1st Place:   Cereal Killers
(Jenny C. LeAnne, Greg and Andy)
2nd Place:  4G4S
 (Chris Gaylin, Annie and Alchera)
3rd Place:  Unknown Soldiers
(Julie D. Laura, Bev Jafek, Nancy)

And again as individual week 4 winner:  Yvonne!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Forever Fit Gives:)

Thanks to all who contributed to
the food drive.
You are AWESOME!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Heat is ON!!

First Place: 4G4S!!

Way to go...Chris, Gaylin, Annie and Alchera!!

This week's individual winner:  Yvonne!! rock with 136 points!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 2 Results

The heat is on!!
(And what exactly is in their cereal???)
Cereal Killers unveiled:
Jenny C.
You folks are AMAZING!!

Our First Place Individual Boot Camper for 
Week 2:  ANDY !!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 1 Totals!!

First Place:  The Unknown Soldiers
Second Place:   4G4S (4gals4strength)
Third Place:  Cardio Crush

At this is any team's win...honestly...we have 8 teams all over 200 points. Many of the teams that are at the bottom of the pile have one or two members who have yet to give me their numbers.  So...things could change, but I did promise numbers up by Monday (and I do try to keep my promises:).

Let's Rock this challenge!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BTG Buzz

If you are not part of the "BTG" you may have only heard of the "BTG". 
Stay tuned for the "BTG" unveiled:)

Well before our recent Fall session of bootcamps began, Deanne sent out an "all call" to anyone who was interested in making a change in their fitness level their #1 priority for the next 10 weeks.  She made it very clear that those chosen would be dedicated above all else to making their fitness goals a reality. 

Thirteen brave and dedicated individuals jumped into the ring...I asked Deanne recently what being part of the "BTG" meant. What exactly did these folks commit to? Here is what I learned...

1. They individually met with Deanne to outline specific goals and  set up their customized  10 week plan including workout schedule and food plan.

2. They purchased a "Body Bugg" and committed to wearing it 24/7  for the 10 week fall session.

3. They purchased the Beck Diet Solution Book and Workbook and committed to complete the weekly assignments.

4. Their workouts included working out with Deanne at least two times/week.

5. They picked a different healthy habit each week to work on mastering.

6.  They had their body composition measured before the session, mid-way and will again at the completion of the ten weeks. (Part of the mid-way body comp included a re-evaluation of results vs. goals and adjustments made, if needed)

It was my opportunity recently to connect with two of the most successful BTGs to introduce them to you as well as find out what is working for them...

Introducing: Laura Melbourne 

Laura first met Deanne a few years ago when when she participated in one of Deanne's bootcamps.  Shortly after their meeting (in Laura's words)...her life "turned upside down".  

When I asked Laura what made her decide to take the leap into the "BTG" this Fall Session of 2012? She said that the timing was just right for her.  She recently got two kids off to college and her other two children are in high school.   

Laura has had great results! She has been able to lose 1.5 to 2 pounds each week of the Fall Session!! She attributes her success to becoming more educated about food choices and exercise as well as being given the tools she needs for success.  She says that the Body Bugg is an "amazing tool!"  It helps her stay on top of her true activity level/calorie burn.  Some of her days that feel so busy and she  finds herself  scrambling around, she has come to realize that they were spent (mostly) in the car.  Laura has benefited from checking her "calories burned" chart each afternoon and figuring out what she needs to do [still]  to reach her goal for the day. 

Laura's favorites:   Boot camp camaraderie and Cauliflower surprise (looks like mashed potates)

When I asked Laura if she had any further comments she replied:
Deanne is amazing!  She is extremely encouraging and motivating.  I love the "challenges" she throws at us, the recipe ideas, pictures from her food diary, etc. Sometimes I feel that I don't want to let her down even though I'm the one reaping all the benefits!

 Next up:  Marc Morley


When I asked Marc how long he had been working out with Deanne/Forever Fit his reply was that Deanne literally changed his family's overall health and nutrition (for the better) starting between six and seven years ago. [When Ann, Marc's wife starting working with Deanne]  Mark has worked out with Deanne off and on for 5 - 6 years!  He was pretty much a regular for the first three to four years but then his early morning commitments took away his usual exercise hour.  

So, when Marc's schedule freed up allowing him to be more consistent with the morning bootcamps, he decided to look seriously at joining the BTG.  Marc knew that  the group challenge was just what he needed to get focused and to make all of the life changes, rather than just trying to make the workouts.  The combination of body comp testing, better eating, specific goals, Body Bugg and education as well as accountability to Deanne was what made Marc certain that he could be successful.

At time of print, Marc had already lost 13 pounds and continues to be moving down on the scales! He is also aware of inches lost but we will have to wait to get final numbers:)

When I asked Marc what has been working well for him he said that having an eating plan tailored to his weight, metabolism, etcHe said, "Having discussed with Deanne my calorie ranges for each meal and snack and then being able to plan for the day as a whole,  I feel like I am now able to make choices that fit the plan.  It has worked really well for me and does not feel like a diet, but rather just helps me keep my eating under control  It also allows me to choose what I eat and to have some "cheats" from time-to-time."

Marc's favorites: Working out with his wife, Ann, the weekly fresh produce box and Canadian Bacon, specifically The Jones Dairy Farms Canadian Bacon @ 20 cal/slice...

A special thanks to Laura and Marc for the interviews!! all seems so do-able, right?
Please Note: Deanne plans to start another BTG group in January...let her know ASAP if you are down (or up for it:) ... 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall Session Kick-off Celebration!

Forever Fit Fall Kick Off 
and Celebration...
 Cheryl was gracious enough to let us share in her beautiful beach setting for the evening.

Thanks to Keely (Something Homemade) and Georgie (Deanne's Mom)
we had delicious, nutritious eats.

I know what you are thinking...I really should have come.
Yes, yes you should have. we missed you.

Deanne asked us to bring  "Favorite things" we have discovered
to aid us in our Forever Fit lifestyle.

And thanks to Ashley for her note-taking skills, I can add the favorites here for you...

Deanne:  "Roo Sport" pocket...a handy carrying pouch that magnetically hooks on to your waistband and holds your phone, key etc. while you work bands etc.

Kathleen: "DIY exercise kit": A bag full of do it yourself bootcamp accessories so that you can still workout even if Deanne isn't there:) included: medicine ball with Fit Deck cards to give you ideas for exercises, band, kettle bell and towel.

Georgia: "Greenware" pan; no stick, no oil or spray needed; can purchase at Target.

Holly: "Cuisinart Blender" Individual sized for smoothies, protein shakes etc. Says her kids love to use it and it is easy to clean. Comes with several cups and tops.

Sara: "Recipe Binder" she keeps it in her car with the recipes that she is planning to make that week so that she knows what to buy at the store.

Lisa: "Polar FT4" heart rate monitor. Lisa is motivated by the calories burned and it keeps her wanting to work harder.

Andy: "Ab training inversion table" He has found using the inversion table a few times a day has really helped on neck and lower back issues he previously experienced from desk work.  He also manages to throw in ab work as well:)

Katia: "Cactus/Nopal" Used a lot in Mexico; lots of fiber and health benefits; can be pan fried in light oil, blended into a smoothie or ask Katia for other suggestions; available at Northgate market off the 805.

Linda: "Oats and Flax Oatmeal from Trader Joes" she enjoys the instant healthy breakfast after she finishes her morning swim, poolside. "Clear Containers" she also shared that she chops all veggies etc when she gets home from the grocery store and puts them in a clear container so that she can see what is in her fridge.

Jenny: "The Skinny Rules by Ben Harper" a book that Jenny has read recently; she also shared "Jillian: Ripped in 30 days dvd" she likes the 20 minute intense workouts.

Jillian:  "Water!!" Specifically in a Nalgen water bottle that she purchased online. Think big..she knows if she empties it twice she is good for the day.

Janelle:  "Dr. Schulze's Super food plus and NanOmega3s"  Janelle has the super food and omega3s daily and adds protein powder for after workout recovery. Helps her get her greens in.

In addition to sharing "Favorite Things", Holly gave us some specific coaching on setting and obtaining goals.  What leads to a true commitment and what sacrifices need to be made in order to reach our goals.  Deanne added that anything we try to achieve will come with a cost but that the outcome will be worth the sacrifice.  She reminded us of Olympic athletes who had gone years without desserts or T.V. viewing...what are you willing to give up to reach your fitness goals in the next 10 weeks??

Such an inspiring evening...thanks to Deanne and Cheryl for hosting such an awesome event!
Happy Anniversary Forever Fit!!

Week 2 Fitness Challenge: Habit of The Week

Hi everyone. The best way to improve your health and fitness is to tackle one habit or change at a time. Each week I will ask you to choose one habit that you would like to break or adopt that you believe will help you reach your goal.

For example, last week, I chose the habit of not eating any unplanned food. That means no snacking in between my planned meals, no eating food left over from my kids, no nibbling while I'm cooking or preparing meals etc.

This week I am choosing the habit of measuring out all my food to make sure that my portions haven't crept up to more than they should be.

What is your habit for the week? Tell us here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On Your Mark...

This weekend I went to a 
XC (that'd be Cross Country) Meet
to watch my son, and others.
See their determination, anticipation??
See the guys standing around in the back who
aren't "in this race"??

Well...where are you?? Are you ready to go? 
Set for our Fall Fitness Challenge?
Set your goal? 
Going for a PR? (That'd be Personal Record)
Or are you still standing in the back, wandering....

Please share with us your goal for our 10 week challenge...
We can not wait to run with you and cheer you on 
to your best race EVER!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Drum Roll Please...

"Forever Fit changed the way my body looked! 
I didn't just lose pounds, but gained definition 
I have never had before."
--Aimee Crist

Recently I had the privilege of interviewing one of our latest Forever Fit winners, lucky me:) Aimee won the body comp portion of the Spring Challenge 2012.  Her results were (are) amazing!!
Aimee lost:
 35 pounds
9% body fat
31.25 inches
Four Sizes
A bit of fitness background on Aimee:  In  high school she started working out at a gym. She said that for years she could have been considered a "gym rat".  At one point, she was even trained as a fitness instructor and taught  classes.   The cardio machines, weights and group classes were Aimee's answer to fitness  until recently...  A year or so ago she became uninspired with her workouts and lost  motivation. For the first time in her life, she didn't want to work out. She expressed her frustrations to her friends some of whom directed her to Forever Fit.

Aimee was first introduced to Deanne and Forever Fit through two friends, Annie Golden and Suzanne Miller.   Annie assured her that she would LOVE working out with Deanne and other Forever Fitters.  Annie was right!!  Aimee found Forever Fit to be just the switch up she needed. She says that she loves to work out again! She found Forever Fit to be inspiring, motivating and fun:)  She loves how Deanne pushes her at each workout to do more than what she felt she was capable of.  Her favorite part about Forever Fit is the camaraderie she feels when she comes to bootcamp.

While Aimee loved the workouts and all that Deanne had to offer her as far as fitness and nutrition education, it wasn't until Aimee set her eye on a personal goal that her determination spiked and she pulled out all stops to reach her goal.  Aimee is a successful businesswoman and became aware that she was going to win a prestigious award for the company she is associated with.  She determined that while receiving the award, she would not only feel amazing for reaching her career goals, but she would look amazing as well. (You can easily see from the above picture that she reached her goal!)

Did I say ALL STOPS??  Just what exactly did that mean for Aimee?  She will tell you that the changes she made in her calorie consumption are what really ignited her body changes.  Not only did she take into consideration all of the tips that she learned from Deanne, she changed personal habits and made choices that she refers to as the "Compound Effect": which is doing something different 
e v e r y d a y for awhile and soon the effect is compounded over the days that you stay determined with your new lifestyle.  

Aimee's daily changes that contributed to her "Compound Effect":
  • Ten weeks without ANY alcohol!
  • Eating tons of lean meats, veggies
  • Drinking LOTS of water
  • Tracking E V E R Y T H I N G she ate
Additionally, Aimee consulted with a medically supervised weight loss clinic and was encouraged to implement an appetite suppressant, vitamin B12 shots and keep her calorie consumptions below 1000 calories/day; all of which she did for several weeks.  For more than a month now (at the time of our interview) Aimee is no longer taking any of the medications and is back to a more realistic daily calorie count. Moving forward, she plans to use the Forever Fit lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to maintain the progress she has made as well as reach new goals.

When I asked Aimee what advice she would share with others wanting similar results  
( please!) She replied:
1. Set a goal
2. Include a specific timeline for your goal
3. Tell others about your goal 
       (friends will support you and it makes it "real" if you share it with others.)
4. Don't forget the "Compound Effect"...what daily changes can you make?
5. Take advantage of ALL that Deanne and Forever Fit have to offer!!

Aimee pointed out that Deanne has built a community in Forever Fit that you can not find ANYWHERE else.  She appreciates Deanne's commitment to staying on the cutting edge of exercise and nutrition and how she passes the most current fitness information on  to her clients. Aimee said that not only has her health and fitness improved since joining Forever Fit, but her family has benefited as well.

What more can I say?? Thanks for the interview, Aimee! the R O C K that gown!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This is how we do it!!

Taking the stairs after an INTENSE circuit this morning...

Deanne and Ashely show us how
it's done...

If you haven't done the workout below,
It is that good:)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday 6AMers

Want to start your week off right??
Join fellow Forever Fitters
@ 6AM!!

Did you check out the new rope move??
Jumping Jacks baby!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spring Challenge Wrap

(go Jim, Brenda dashing away...)
The last bootcamp of Spring session was held on the beach!

At...6:00 a.m.!!
(It was awesome!)

Brenda with her newly earned CC Challenge shirt...

Deanne announced the winners of the Spring Challenge and 
handed out the earned shirts and etc.
I will post details of the winners shortly...

Go now and sign up for the Summer workouts...
They are filling up FAST!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Week 9 Numbers

This is getting pretty darn intense...
and I am basically a spectator, at this point
1st Place: Sherry
2nd Place:  Ann
3rd Place:  Suzanne
Deanne sent out an email stating that she is going to do some
raffling for anyone over 600 points... 
send me your numbers...let's make this fun:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week 8 Numbers

The heat is on!!
1st Place:  Sherry
2nd Place:  Ann
3rd Place:  Suzanne
If you have numbers for me but didn't get them sent is NEVER too late...
Send away and I will update.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week 7 Numbers

Sorry a little late on the posting...technically challenging week for moi
1st Place:  Ann
2nd Place:  Sherry
3rd Place:  Suzanne
And...LeAnne sneaks up behind Lisa...oh my!
Honestly, I am interested in reporting Week 8 numbers to see
who (oh who!) could go 7 days w/out carbs?!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Lack of activity destroys the good condition 
of every human being, 
 while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.
- Plato

The week's tally to follow shortly... Just thought I would give you motivation to plan your activity for the week...:)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 6 Numbers

No surprise her with our top three...
but look at the close race between
Ann (#1) and Sherry (#2)
Suzanne has a firm hold on third, I believe.
And...looky looky...
Lisa (bday girl in Vegas baby) is now 4th:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

WEEK 5 Numbers

Here's what I like about Deanne's keeps us going.
The top several
are so on top of their work outs and all of the other challenges.
(like crazy people!) 

But then there are others 
  plugging along at  both workouts and the challenges
(a bit more sane;) 

And then there are those 
(like me:) 
who are barely getting the workouts in but they keep on reporting their numbers.
Which means they are still "In".
And that is the goal really...
are you "In"?
If not, please join us...we accept all levels of activity:)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week's heating up!

1st place: Ann
2nd place:  Sherry
3rd place:  Suzanne
Janelle and LeAnne...right on their heels!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 3 (2nd scorecard)

1st place:  Ann
2nd:  Sherry
3rd: Suzanne
What does it take to be in the top three?? 
Healthy eating and LOTSA workin' it baby!!
And just to clarify...we are in our third week but our second scorecard as
everybody took one week off for spring break...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Starting Line-up for Spring!!

I'm telling you what...these women at the top of the pack...
they worked out a LOT the past week(s).
Keep it comin' ladies!! 
Go Ann, Go Sherry, Go Karen!'s not too late to join the PARTAY....get moving and send me your scorecard by Sunday night.
It's that easy!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

SPRING 2012!

Double click on the schedule to enlarge
Welcome Spring!!
New classes, 
new venues, 
(Please make comments about Spring is what Amber said
about Yoga yesterday...)

I loved yoga today!  
What a perfect experience.  
Anna has always been my favorite teacher and today was no exception.  
The beach, the sun, the  company... 
It felt like a yoga class I would take at a Four Seasons resort
  somewhere very special.
Thank you for all the time and resources you commit to Forever Fit.  
I  really appreciate it in my life!