Saturday, December 18, 2010

Crunch Time!

Final count points in green.
[for those who did their final weigh in last week]
Top 3 in red.
[still to add in this next 1/2 week and weigh in]
We still have a few days in this week...
and the weigh in.
Hang in there...
ya'll are an inspiration!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 1 and 2 Points

Here they are...points for the first 2 weeks of our 3.5 week challenge...
Looking awesome!
Remember...the most points are yet to be rewarded:
25 big ones for maintaining weight through the holiday season.
YOU can do this!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

spotlight on!

This month's Featured Forever Fitter is Cassie Nelson. 
What you may already know about Cassie is that she has been working with Deanne for over three years. Not only is she a regular at bootcamps, but she has also been doing individual sessions for quite awhile..this translated=excellent form:) Cassie is one of the nicest campers ever. She doesn't have to be first but instead is always looking out for those around her. She is also very observant. (She once noticed a minor hair color change of mine even under my hat...who does that?)...All of this information you could have already now I will tell you the rest of the story...

When Cassie reflects back on her life and fitness she thinks of high school and how she was even 20#s lighter than she is today (if you can believe that). She was super skinny, a dancer, could eat anything she wanted but wasn't very strong. Looking back she doesn't like the way she looked or ate but does appreciate the fact that she didn't have to worry about gaining weight at all.

A few years down the road and after Cassie was married things began to change for her. She started to gain weight due to medication she was taking and eventually found herself 40 pounds heavier. After giving birth to her first baby she found that she lost the weight easily but then soon saw it all start to come back. She remembers what food she loved back then.... Fettuccine Alfredo and Cheesecake. She knew she was eating poorly but felt she "deserved desserts". 

After Cassie's second baby was born (2005) she found herself at an all time high as far as weight gain. She didn't make drastic lifestyle changes until she went to her doctor (2006) and found out that her cholesterol was high and that she was looking at a possible life-long medication while still in her 30s. This was her wake up call.

In 2007 she started working with Deanne. Initially she hoped that she would be able to lose 30 pounds but really wanted to lose 40...she never thought she would be able to lose it. She told me that she started with Deanne as a size 12..she was hoping to get to a 10 or possibly an 8. Today she is easily a size 6!  

Cassie told me that this has definitely been a journey for her. She used Deanne's menus as her food plan but especially in the beginning she felt she was STARVING! She didn't think she could stick to it but then she discovered that if she was good about getting in all of her scheduled snacks, and stuck to the menus, that she began feeling more satisfied. It took her body about 2 months to adjust to her new schedule of eating. She said that it was a good six months before she noticed a big change in her body. Once she started to lose weight, it seemed to come off pretty quickly especially after she added 3 strength days/week to her training. She would also do fitness classes at the gym and regular workouts with her husband, Greg. [Holy Cow!...this deserves a moment of you know Greg??...Cassie is not only married to the man...she works out with him...'nuff said!]

Finally in 2009, she felt healthy and strong. She was/is comfortable with how she looks and feels. Now as far as food and eating...she says that she really listens to her body. She will not eat more or less than what she needs to feel satisfied. If she feels like a second helping then she will take it but sometimes half a helping is enough. Cassie said that she realizes that before forever fit she used to use food to medicate herself; whether she was bored, sad, mad...whatever. She would "fix it" with food. Now, she finds out why she is experiencing  the emotions and and then finds a true solution rather than turning to food.

She said that although she has learned a lot, she has not done any of it perfectly. Cassie said that now if she has an eating set back, she really doesn't physically feel well. In fact, she can always tell when she has been eating too much sugar. Eating healthy and working out daily has really improved her energy level.

For those of you interested in stats...Cassie lost 25% of her body weight from the time she started with Deanne and when she reached her 2009 levels. She is not sure on the body fat change...I will update this after I get it from "D", but she did go down four pant sizes! She appreciates the improved muscle tone and what it feels like to be strong. She can hardly believe the food that she used to like to eat...the thought of it makes her gag now. She is a great example of someone that not only changed her habits but completely changed her lifestyle. (and her state of mind...)

Cassie is pretty set on what has worked for her...I have detailed a few points that have helped to ensure her fitness success:

1) Do strength training 3x/week. 
       Right now for Cassie this means: boot camp once/week, individual workout with Deanne, and working out at the gym with...GREG! Cassie also does fitness classes and runs on the other days.

2) Get all unhealthy food out of your house! If you don't have it,  you won't eat it!

3) Identify your trigger foods and stay clear of them. 
     For example...some people can't eat any chocolate or they can not stop. Or...baked goods or for some it is salty foods.

4) Find a healthy alternative to emotional eating. 
      This may take some work, but you will be successful if you take the time to figure out what  you are really needing and actually filling the need rather than filling your mouth.

Thanks for the interview, R O C K!!

Cassie in her favorite vacation location,
 Varenna (Lake Como).

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Rain or Shine.
Breakfast or not.
There were many of us
who joined Deanne
for the semi-annual 
Beach Run!

Receiving our instructions from Deanne..
see the threatening clouds.
Oh! They did produce.
Yes, they did!!

If you have never joined in this event, 
(you really should try...)
We do sprints up that hill behind us.
(1-4 depending on how your are feeling that day)

We finished!!
And..depending on how many stair reps, hill sprints, backwards runs you did..
Anywhere from 4-7 miles covered.
I don't think anyone got away with less than 500 calories burned.
And as an added bonus:
Deanne did have Keely mini muffins and coffee waiting in the back of her car.
lucky us!!

P.S. I do think Deanne was surprised at just how many of us would show up for rain running.
PPS. A special thanks to Emma who had to keep at the front of the group to direct us etc. And she still got in multiple sprints...amazing, really.

Friday, November 19, 2010


PS. I did allude to a follow-up to Ann's post that would include some tips for maintenance. I have my new assignment for the next Forever Fit interviewee (teaser...) and wanted to get this follow-up posted first.

1) When Ann was in the process of losing weight, she became discouraged with a weigh-in that would not be down at least 2 pounds. Her husband, Marc made her a spread sheet that she was able to track her weight loss and see the trend going down. (even if she had a bump up or stayed the same now and then)

2) After she reached her initial goal, she would allow herself one "cheat meal" a week. Usually this meant she went out with her husband and ate whatever she wanted at a restaurant.

3) When she reached her "year mark" of eating Deanne's menus, she then used the menus as more of a guide and substituted in her favorites and used the skills she had learned to modify other food choices.

4) Now to maintain her loss, she allows herself a 3 pound window. If she goes up higher than that, she pulls out the menus and goes off of all sugar (as in desserts, jams etc).

5) Ann will tell you that she feels so much better when she is  "off sugar" and eating "clean". She reports that even her family notices her improved mood and she has so much more energy. She would also tell you that doesn't mean that she is 100%, this girl enjoys a good treat like the rest of us..she is just pretty careful about when and what she treats herself to:)

Thanks for sharing all of the good insights with us, Ann!!
...and keep it up (or down:)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2010 Holiday Challenge

Are You Ready for the Forever Fit Holiday Challenge?

Starting Monday, November 29th, we will begin our Forever Fit Holiday Challenge.  This is the time of year when the average person puts on 7-10 pounds, but not Forever Fitters!  For us, this is when we stay on track with our fit and healthy lifestyle and pledge to have a wonderful holiday season, without the extra pounds.

The Challenge will run from 11/29 to 12/22.  During this time, in addition to our favorite kick-butt bootcamp classes, you can collect points for:
1.   Attending as many Forever Fit classes as possible
2.   Participating in  extra credit fitness challenges during each class
3.   NOT gaining any weight during the crazy holiday season (starting weigh in must be done by 11/20/10)
The people who collect the most number of points during the challenge win some GREAT prizes (and you all know I give good prizes!)

We will be running our regular class schedule (see days and times below) for the 3 ½ week challenge.  In total, there will be 18 classes offered during this time.  If you register now for our 10 week New Year’s Bootcamp session (starting 1/3/11), you can come to as many classes as you want during our Holiday Challenge for just $89.  Is this a good deal for you?  Well, pull out your calendar and figure out how many classes you can attend between 11/29 and 12/22.  If you can make 6 or more classes, it is a great deal for you!  If you can’t make at least 6 classes, you can still participate in our Holiday Challenge and/or come to our classes during this time period (simply select one of the punch card options under pricing).

Here is the schedule for the Challenge:
Monday 9:15 Torrey Highlands Park
Tuesday 6am Carmel Valley Rec Center
Wednesday 9:15 Torrey Del Mar Park
Thursday 6am Sage Canyon Elementary School Park
Friday 9:15am Torrey Hills Neighborhood Park

You have 2 registration options:
1.   You can register now for our 10 Week 2011 New Year’s Bootcamp Session and come to as many classes as you want during 11/29 and 12/22 for only $89
2.   You can sign up now for only the Holiday Challenge
a.   $60 for a 3 session punch-card
b.   $100 for a 5 session punch-card
c.    $119 for a 7 session punch-card
d.   $135 for a 10 session punch-card

You can register through pay pal here (go to the bottom of the page for bootcamp options).  Or, if you prefer to pay by check, you can send me an email and let me know which option you want, and you can send your check to the following address (or hand it to me at bootcamp):
4247 Calle Mejillones
San Diego, CA 92130

Sunday, October 24, 2010


October 2, 2006 is a day that Ann Morley will remember FOREVER! It was this day that she began working with Deanne at Forever Fit. Now four years later it seems appropriate for her to be our next featured forever fitter. 

Ann was one of Deanne's first clients. I believe they were introduced by Emma (Ann's neighbor and now Deanne's boot camp Assistant). After Ann's third baby was born, she continued to fight the baby weight and in her frustration began to gain even more. She had tried other weight loss programs but was not consistently successful. She was exhausted, heavier than she had been before, and at a loss as to what her next step should be. In Ann's words:

I was introduced to Deanne and an entire new way of thinking about food and exercise.  I must admit (and I am sure Deanne will remember this), I was very doubtful that her plan would work those first few weeks.  First of all, it was more food than I would have ever eaten on any other plan.  It couldn't work!  I wasn't starving!  I constantly asked her if she was sure we shouldn't lower my calories!  But it worked!  In a safe, healthy, correct way.  

Those of us who know Ann, can see that obviously Deanne's plan (along with Ann's hard work), certainly did bring success and continues to do so... probably want the deets (I know I did) How did she get from point "A" to point "B"??...

Ann reports that those first several months she stuck to Deanne's menu/food plans to. the. l e t t e r ! She lost 8 pounds in the first six weeks. Then after 3 months she was down 16 pounds. Although she didn't lose as fast as she had with some other attempts at weight loss, this felt different to her. Healthy eating was becoming a habit. She did admit that she would have times where she would "fall off" the plan but each time that she did, her deviations got smaller and smaller and she started to see the real benefits to her new lifestyle. 

In six months Ann reached her initial goal (30 lbs. lost). And within a year of working with Deanne, she had lost 40 pounds!! In the Spring of 2008, Deanne introduced a new set of menus which Ann remembers as "The Bikini Menus". As she followed the new food plan...she lost even more weight and was smaller than she had been since before she had babies. In January of 2009 when Deanne started her first boot camp series, Ann was quick to sign up. Deanne set up a few contests (complete with prizes:) and Ann won the "Most Pounds Lost"! Bringing her new "total lost" number up (or down...however you look at it) to 52. With an 18% loss in body fat and 30% weight loss.

Ann is first to admit that this weight loss experience certainly has been a journey for her. As I interviewed her, I realized that she has a lot of life tips and advice that we could all benefit from....
stay tuned for tips from Ann and others on how to make this 
fit lifestyle last forever and ever!!

Kathleen Allen, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Semi Annual Forever Fit Beach Run Saturday November 20th at 7am

Our semi-annual beach run and breakfast from Something Homemade is coming up November 20th. This is such a fun event for everyone. Whether you run the 3 mile or the 6 mile course, you will love the scenery, the company and the food!

If you have done this event before, we would love your feedback on the blog. If this is your first time and you have questions about the event, this is a great place for your questions.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Turkish Get-Up

Last week in Friday's class. We began working on the Turkish Get-Up. A full body strength exercise that challenges every muscle group to work in concert. In my opinion, this is one of the most (if not the most) important strength exercises we will be working on in our bootcamp classes. We started it with no weight last week and just worked on the movement pattern. I found a great video clip of Anthony DiLuglio, from The Art of Strength, (the company from whom I buy my ropes) breaking this move down into 6 segments. If you can, watch this on your computer and practice with him. After a few days of this, you will feel comfortable putting it all together. And then we will add some weight so you can really feel how challenging this move can be. On the right hand side of this blog, under "What to Work on At Home" there is a youtube link to see Anthony's breakdown of the Turkish Get-Up. Let me know how it goes.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tabata What?

Last week in Friday's class, we used a new methodology to jack our heart rates up in our heavy Cardio Class. It's called Tabata Training. Here's a background on Tabata Training.
Ahh. Dr. Tabata, or as I refer to him in my bootcamp classes, The Evil Dr. Tabata. Once you have tried Tabata Drills you will understand why this form of training can be so darn effective. This simple to implement training can burn a ridiculous amount of calories. And the great news is it only takes 4 minutes. Come on, you can do anything for 4 minutes. Right?
Add this to your workout routine and you will substantially increase your aerobic and anaerobic capacity. It was the result of a 1996 study Dr. Tabata did on Olympic caliber athletes and this routine wiped them out. So work your way up to doing the full four minutes.
The reason it is so effective is E.P.O.C., exercise post oxygen consumption. An acronym that refers to calories burned after you stop working out. Tabata drills can continue to burn calories for up to 2 days. This can add up to 75 calories burned per day to your total. 7 times 75 equals 525. Nice.
This is a very simple technique you can use to up the intensity of your daily workouts, whether it is a strength day, cardio day or combo day. You are not limited to doing squats, you can substitute push-ups or jump squats. You can do this on the elliptical trainer or spinning. Essentially anything that gets your heart rate up. You will do as many reps of a designated exercise, as you can in 20 seconds. If you are on the elliptical or spinning – sprint for 20 seconds. Follow this with 10 seconds of rest. 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by ten seconds of rest. Repeat for 4 minutes. You can choose just one exercise or you can alternate (like we did Friday) between 2 exercises. Be very strict on the timing for maximum results. This is where your gymboss timer comes into play.
Here is the drill we did on Friday. I dare you to try this just once on your own this week. Share this with one of your workout partners. They may never forgive you! Comment on the blog and let us know how it went.
Tabata Drill #1: 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
  1. High Knee Runs for 20 seconds/10 seconds rest
  2. Squat Jumps for 20 seconds/10 seconds rest
Repeat 3 more times
Tabata Drill #2:
  1. Split jumps, scissor lunges or cross country skiing
  2. Push-ups – fast
Repeat 3 more times

Monday, September 27, 2010

How are you feeling after 2 weeks of Forever Fit Bootcamp? What questions do you have?

I would love to hear from you. Your comments and questions can benefit other Forever Fitters. I hope you will use this blog as a resource to help you get the most out of your investment, and a place to chat with fellow campers

Friday, September 24, 2010


Cori's "after" shot...these used to be her capris...serious!

I just conducted my first official "forever fitter" phone interview for post publication. (Beware: you may be next...). Cori and her husband just pulled away from San Diego 7,000 plus pounds lighter! Truly inspirational, right? Her husband is beginning a new career adventure which is taking them across the country and in so doing, they have purged themselves of over 7,000 lbs of furniture, clothing, books etc. How do they know this? When you hire movers, they weigh stuff like that. Before packing up their essentials, they reduced their "moving weight" by 50%. While this is completely impressive (and keep in mind they completed this in less than 30 days)...even more impressive and interesting to me is Cori's personal journey to reduce her own "moving weight" nearly 30% through her association with Forever Fit of San Diego.

Cori was quite active in her early years. Even after having three children, she ran (and completed) a marathon. She enjoyed the association of a group of friends who became a therapeutic running group. [I highly recommend such association]. In her early 30's she moved with her family away from her friends and from running. For over 20 years she stayed active in chasing her three children into young adulthood but did not do much as far as structured exercise for herself. (sounding familiar??) 

At age 52, Cori decided to give herself the gift of fitness for Christmas and she signed up to work with Deanne. She gave herself one year to complete her fitness goals. Cori was diligent from the onset and stuck to Deanne's menus and work outs like none other. Her results speak for themselves. Within 4 months, she was 30 pounds down. Within the next four she lost 20 more. Her total weight loss was even more than she had hoped for in the beginning but her improved fitness and new small-sized clothes were just part of the benefits she experienced.

In Cori's words: "Along the way, my new lifestyle has given me the added bonus of improving my health - by changing my eating habits to healthier options and through regular exercise, I have been able to go off my cholesterol and thyroid medications that I have needed to be on for 20 plus years!  Needless to say, my Dr. is thrilled with my new healthy and fit lifestyle!  I am now where I need and want to be with my weight and physical ability."

Cori has worked with Deanne for over two and a half years and is committed to continuing her new lifestyle.  Another one of the benefits she discussed with me is how the changes she has made have infiltrated into her family members' lives. An example being that at a recent family reunion she conducted a boot camp for all of her kids and their spouses and was able to "wow" them with her strength and endurance. Family activities that used to focus on sitting by a pool, have been traded in for camping, hiking and basically moving more. Don't get me wrong, Cori still knows how to "chill", but  will find a way to make her experience more instep with her new activity level and nutritional goals. 

We will all miss Cori at boot camp workouts, fitness runs and cooking classes but while she may not grace us with her physical presence, the inspiration of her story will continue to inspire all of us determined to become and remain Forever Fit [in San Diego]!
Kathleen Allen, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What songs do you want to hear during your workouts?

I love music and I'm always searching for a variety of songs to get you pumped up and help you work a little harder than you might on your own. If you have a song or 2 that you would love to hear at bootcamp, hit the comment button and include it there. I promise to have it on a playlist within the week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6 More Days until we meet again...
It's almost here, our 10 Week Fall Program, when we put our health and fitness closer to the top of the priority list again. Summers are tough for everyone with parties at the beach, lack of a consistent schedule and vacations where it feels like everything is working against us to eat healthy and workout consistently.

I am looking forward to working out with everyone!!! Please notice there have been a couple of location changes for the fall schedule. We will be moving our 6am sessions from Torrey Hills to the Rec Center on Tuesdays and Sage Canyon on Thursdays. As I keep telling my kids every morning on the way to their new school, change can be good. I think you will enjoy these 2 new workout spots.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fall Fitness

The Kids are getting ready to go back to school. Time for you to get ready to get in the best shape of your life!  Register HERE for our 10 Week Fall Bootcamp Program.  Once you click on the link, scroll to the bottom of the page to select your bootcamp option.

These outdoor bootcamp classes are for men and women who want efficient, metabolic blasting, total body workouts.

Fall class options:
Mondays 9:15-10:15am Torrey Highlands Park in Carmel Valley
Tuesdays 6am-7am Torrey Hills Park in Carmel Valley
Wednesdays 9:15am-10:15am Torrey Del Mar Neighborhood Park in Torrey Del Mar (off Carmel Valley Road)
Thursdays 6am-7am Torrey Hills Park in Carmel Valley
Fridays 9:15-10:15am Torrey Hills Park in Carmel Valley

We want you to get the results you are looking for!  The more classes you take each week, the cheaper each class is.
Below are the prices for the 10 Week Fall Program:
1 class per week = $200
2 classes per week = $340
3 classes per week = $450

We also have a great weight loss nutrition program that you can purchase with your class enrollment for an additional $400. Our successful nutrition program is usually $799 but you save almost 50% when you purchase it with a bootcamp enrollment.  The nutrition program includes 5 weeks of detailed menus for fat loss and lean muscle gain, and access to the Forever Fit exercise and food web log.

With our new registration program, your enrollment will give you access to all 5 classes offered.  This will give you flexibility each week to choose the class that works best for your schedule.  You don’t have to commit to the same day and time each week.  After all, we realize that no one’s schedule is exactly the same week after week.

So while you are scheduling those back to school haircuts, buying those school supplies and school clothes, get your plan together for how you will get into the best shape of your life with us this fall!  Check your inbox next week for early bird registration.

Can’t wait to sweat with you!
Deanne Ryder and Emma Tecca
Close up Dee resized.JPGEmma Head shot2.JPG

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cori's Thank you!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you for the wonderful surprise this morning. I was shocked and overwhelmed (first off, the fact that you ladies would give my post workout sweaty body a hug is beyond me!! - boy that was a tough workout today Deanne - thanks!) My husband and I are still laughing over that funny card - where on earth did you find a Survivor Boca card? Those little grannies on it may be my future workout partners! Keely - your breakfast treats were amazing as always. I always look forward to seeing the beautiful presentation of your food as much as I enjoy getting to eat it. I am going to wear my Foreverfit workout shirt with pride and I can't wait to use the gym bag - I will think of all of you running the "stairway to heaven" stairs over at the park - while I am sweating it out in the Florida humidity trying to find somewhere to run that has any kind of elevation to it at all! :) As for my gym boss timer - I am so excited to have that to use - I was really wanting one so I can time my own circuit workouts. I love the idea of ForeverFit Florida. Deanne - you gotta tell me how to get trained so we can start franchising you! I cannot begin to express how much I am going to miss you all. Deanne, you have changed my life and my family's lives in so many ways - thank you falls so far short of the gratitude I have for you and your wonderful program. As wonderful as the program is - it is just a program without you - you are the program to me and that will be absolutely impossible to replicate anywhere else. I will carry on - but I will greatly miss you. Love, Cori

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer P.S.

Deanne and Keely @ Most recent Beach/Breakfast Run

Deanne decided to let the blog rest for a bit this Summer.
Out of sheer boredom, I decided to check the blog and what do ya know??
It seems to be getting daily hits!
So...if you are interested in signing up for 
Summer boot camps with Deanne you can
go to her website, or contact her:

Happy Summer:)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Final Scorecard!!

Drum Roll Please...

Amber: 1st  (1176)
Keely: 2nd (1057)
Cori: 3rd (884)

Honorable Mentions: ahem. 
Andrea Jackman (761) 
Ann Morley (636)
Trish Wood (544)
 Kathleen Allen (500)
 Karyn Barnett (465)
Ann Maas (318)
Nancy Krueger (316)
Michelle Weber (260)
Lina Waage (214)
Danielle Boles (189)
Jenny Mendoza (170)
Tiffany Wickham (115)
Karen Turk (71)

I need to mention that this is the tally for only the "points" reported on scorecards weekly. 
Deanne will have winners of her own to announce who may (or may not) appear on the above list....
stay posted!
...get it..punny...posted. it's late. sorry!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hi There,
I had several requests for the "Granola Bars" and the Granola at the run last weekend. You can locate both of them at They are listed as Sports Bars and Everyday Granola. So glad you liked them and Happy Cooking. -Keely (Just click on the bars and granola for a live link to the recipes:)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week #8 Score Card

Amber: 1st Place
Keely: 2nd Place
Cori: 3rd Place
And I just gotta' mention Andrea...sooo close!
secretly...I hope you win the boot camp challenges
this week. (unless of course you are not on my team:)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cooking Class 101

Forever Fit meets Something Homemade!

Keely and her partner, Amy were amazing yesterday as they sliced and diced their way through an enlightening and entertaining cooking demonstration for 10 of our boot campers. They demonstrated five recipes and discussed several more. With our minds full of new ideas and our recipe pages covered with notes, tips and kitchen helps, we were then treated to the most delicious healthy lunch ever!! 

I would highly recommend future classes to anyone interested in healthy cooking! 
Not to mention the chance to see fellow boot campers with makeup and real clothes:)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week #7 Score Card

Amber: 1st Place
Keely: 2nd Place
Cori: 3rd Place

Sorry to take so long getting this up.
I have had computer/internet issues.
but I know we all have issues.
I just happen to only confess this one, for today:)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


(A letter I wrote and posted on my personal blog..some of you might relate. or not. kathleen)

Dear Body,

Today we feel the need to apologize to you. We really mean it and its not just one of those "I'm sorrys" that then continue to repeat themselves. No. we really mean sorry for always beating you up...I mean really you don't stand a chance. We blame you for a lot that you are not responsible for. You get punished. a. lot. And you take it. over. and over. again. You really are tough and you have been pulling your own weight for long enough! Sometimes when we see you, we pretend that we don't even recognize you and  walk the other way. That is no way to treat anybody! From now on, you get a big smile and a pleasant greeting like everybody deserves.

It is high time you get recognized for what you are! You are part of our team...a really big, important part! From now on...we are going to start supporting you and appreciating what it is that you DO  for us all of the time. When things are not going well,we will all step up to take the blame and not have it always fall on you.We will take better care of you. You could use a little more TLC. The rest of us take plenty of our fair share and by damn! it's time you got some pampering. Just because the rest of the team might want something they think will make them happy, doesn't mean you should have to suffer through. What's good for us, needs to be good for you too!! Who are we kidding? We are all in this together and it's about time we start acting accordingly.

Here's to the start of a much healthier relationship!


The Rest of the Team: emotional, intellectual, and spiritual ME.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week # 6 Socres

Amber: 1st Place
Keely: 2nd Place
Cori: Third Place
With Andrea...right on their heels!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week #5 Score Card

Amber: First Place
Keely: Second Place
Cori: Third
Honorable mention: Andrea and Trish
You go girls!!

you realize that it is not too late to join this party...we still have 3 and a half weeks to go on this thing. and just yesterday I had my first day of  "really, seriously" doing this food thing. 
seems I always come late to the party 
but that's can too!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Food Service?

(note: this is a copy of a post I put on my personal blog...I realize that as we are getting into the forever fit mindset sometimes food is--and needs to be--uppermost in our minds but recently I have found that altering my focus or getting perspective on life...very healthy.) thanks for stopping by the blog...Kathleen

Today I passed a US Food Service truck...
On the side...big letters for all to read:

"Enjoy out more often."

Hello...this is a problem. 
People eating out often means:
1. Too many calories consumed.
2. Eating who knows what...(hidden ingredients).
3. Too much money spent on food
4. Appeasing the ever popular need for quick easy pleasure.

I say: "Enjoy life...

1. Accomplish something really hard..something you have to work a long time for.
2. Spend time with the people that mean the most to you.
3. Experience the beauties of the world that we live in.
4. Smell a flower.
5. Hold a baby.
6. Sing a song (as loud as you want to).
7. Save your money and pay CASH for something you want.
8. Share something you are good at with anyone interested.
9. Change your sheets on your bed, take a bath...go to bed and sleep in 'til you wake up unassisted
10. Go ride a roller coaster with a 12 year old...scream while you are riding.
11. Sit in the sun and read a book.
12. Do something unexpected for someone else.
13. Scroll through the pictures saved on your computer.
14. Reminisce with your kids about pranks you used to pull on your old teachers.
15. Laugh out loud.

Look beyond the food.

(there's a whole lot more out there, promise:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week #4 score card

Oh! I just love a good race...don't you?

We have had an upset in our top three...

Amber: First Place
Keely: Second Place
Cori: Third Place

Also...a couple three to keep your eye on...creeping their
way to the top...Andrea, Trish...and Karyn.
We are really only a bit over half way...
you could catch 'em...really:)

(rumor has it that Cori traded in her crazy high scores for her grand daughter last week...and she has not regrets;)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Watch For it...

Sometime this week we are going to conduct a "Question and Answer" blog roll with Deanne. This will give you a chance to ask Deanne those questions that have come up in the past that you never have time to ask at boot camp. In order for this to work...we will start a post and then you can ask Deane your questions in the comments section. As soon as your questions appears, she will then answer them (also in the comments). This format will allow for others to join in. Who knows where this could lead us??? If we are successful, perhaps this could be a regular feature on our blog...I know, I know just can't either:)