Wednesday, December 21, 2011

H4H Week 4

Returning Reigning Winners!


Second Place

Third Place

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Challenged

I want sugar and my alarm did not go off to get me to bootcamp (but it did ensure 7 hours of sleep), I need to lose 3 lbs by Friday and I have 8 more glasses of water to go and it is 8pm. Is anyone else finding themselves holiday challenged?! This is my first year of working out with Deanne at Christmastime while also holding down full time employment. You working workout women...are A W E S O M E!! I have to is always a challenge to eat (and drink) healthy, keep up with your workouts and juggle the holidays but also add!!

And let me take this opportunity to thank my fellow SPICE GIRLS!! You ladies rock! Thanks for pulling me along...I will get back to my very tall water glass now, thank you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

H4H Week 3

First Place
Second Place
Third Place


Pretty tight race if you ask me!!
Go Teams!!
PS. To my fellow spice girls: if you don't like my sorry but all the spice girls images were
doggy, serious. send me something I can use. I take suggestions. Or at least I consider them:)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

H4H Week 2

And they continue to impress...

...But the competition is real...

This is getting "Hot for the Holidays!", yes??

Saturday, December 3, 2011

H4H Week 1 Winner X 2 !!

 Way to Go!!
Beauties: Jenny, Tiffany, Carol 
and Beast: Greg

AKA:  Jenny,  Andy, Yvonne and Sherry!!
Both teams earned 188 points
I must tell you that it is a very narrow margin...
keep up the good work evrybody!!
and maybe next week your team will get a cool amateur graphic.
I'm just sayin' could be u!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lisa's Before/After!

First and foremost, I must thank Lisa for letting us all follow her during our Fall bootcamp session!
Wasn't she great?? (Applause,ahhh!!! yeah!!)

Here are her final numbers (drum roll...)
in just 10 short weeks 

Total Inches lost: 12 inches!
Body fat drop: 4%!
Total pounds lost: 7.2!

In Lisa's words:I still have a ways to go but I can't believe how great I feel - 
albeit sore and tired!  
My best days are when I do the 6 am workouts!

And just so you can still find Lisa @bootcamp...

 I am so excited for this current challenge!
I want to be one of those girls who 
loses weight over the holidays and 
not just fight to maintain my weight!

 She is a member of the "Eggnog Police" 

Gooooo Lisa!!