Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Challenged

I want sugar and my alarm did not go off to get me to bootcamp (but it did ensure 7 hours of sleep), I need to lose 3 lbs by Friday and I have 8 more glasses of water to go and it is 8pm. Is anyone else finding themselves holiday challenged?! This is my first year of working out with Deanne at Christmastime while also holding down full time employment. You working workout women...are A W E S O M E!! I have to say...it is always a challenge to eat (and drink) healthy, keep up with your workouts and juggle the holidays but also add employment...wow!!

And let me take this opportunity to thank my fellow SPICE GIRLS!! You ladies rock! Thanks for pulling me along...I will get back to my very tall water glass now, thank you.


  1. Kathleen--you are so funny! Loved the pictures.

  2. Ha Kathleen! You are hilarious! All the things you said are SO true! The sweets starvation diet is on again and it's so difficult! I cut a piece of cake for a family member and got chocolate on my finger! Oh my gosh, I had to resist this tiny indulgence! I got a napkin and wiped it off! Will Friday get here already? Time to drink more water!

  3. That is my kids favorite commercial of all time. They bust up laughing outloud everytime it comes on! Great post Kathleen!!!!
