Monday, March 7, 2011

Dr. Oz vs. Gary Taubes

What's your take on the "debate" today? One thing I found interesting is that there was no distinctions made between lean meats and really fatty meats. I think until the research is conclusive (which Gary Taubes feels already is), I will continue to severely limit my starchy carbs, eat tons of vegetables and stick with healthy fats, mostly lean meats and fish.

1 comment:

  1. I do think you have taken the nuggets from each but I also wonder if your taking out the "indulgences" in each of the diets makes compliance all the more challenging. For example maybe the reason that Dr. Oz's works for many is because you are allowed pretty heavy carbs. Alternately, Gary allows you all of the Fat to keep you coming back. What does 4-2-1 give us?? Oh yeah...cheat day:)
