Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lisa Update

Lisa is holding her own at an impressive 8 pounds off thus far!
Here is what she had to say at this point...
So here we are at the end of week 8!  I am still holding at the same weight again but that's ok!  I did another week of 3 bootcamps and felt great!  (tired but great!)  I did my first beach one - as you know.  How fun was that?  Man  -  running that hill was a killer!  I definitely want to do it again this week.  I think I was intimidated by the beach up until now.  I love attacking our workouts and the calories are really burning.  Every bootcamp workout this week for me was 600+ calories.

I wish the scale said I weighed less but I can live with where I am right now.  I am not giving up.  I think my body has really changed and once Deanne pulls out her fat pincher - I am sure I'll be amazed!    (let's hope so at least!)

See you this week - gonna try for 3 (or 4 if I can find childcare for Friday)


  1. Lisa, I think you look great, your legs looked fab at the beach today!
    The tabata drills are tough to do by myself. I find if I do them in the morning, I'm much more motivated! At night, I'm so tired, I don't want to be jumping around.
    Ever since the no sugar competion I've been o.k cutting the sweets so keeping with the calories is working. It's weird, I was actually dreaming about sweets when I couldn't eat and now I don't even think about them! It worked in the end.

  2. Alright, not to sound creepy or anything but I was thinking THE SAME THING today running up the hill behind Lisa, "Nice legs!"

  3. You girls are too kind! Maybe this week as an extra "challenge" I should do our workouts in high heels! :-) Now that would be funny to watch me run up the hill at the beach in those!
